(Setting: The city in the Land of the Black
(Aladdin, wearing a cape and hood, jumps from one rooftop to
another, then signals to someone else. Jasmine jumps across towards
him; she is wearing a dark top and pants as well as a hood and cape.)
Aladdin: C'mon, let's keep moving. (starts to run off)
Jasmine: (stops Aladdin) We're missing somebody.
Aladdin: Where is he now?
(They look back to see Abu, wearing a cape, swing from a building,
to a flag, to a blue crystal on top of a post, where starts looking
around in a serious way.)
Aladdin: Abu, dark defender of the night.
(The crystal beneath Abu starts to glow, and he shrieks and
jumps toward Aladdin.)
Aladdin: Relax, Abu. That glowing crystal is a good thing.
Abu: Huh?
Aladdin: Mozenrath has them all over the place to let him know
if anything magical comes into his kingdom.
Jasmine: If that one's glowing, Mozenrath's new magic weapon could
be close.
(A cart driven by a mamluk passes below them; it is carrying
something covered by a sheet.)
Aladdin: One way to find out.
Abu: Charge!
(Aladdin covers Abu's mouth.)
(Aladdin and Jasmine jump down from the roof onto an awning,
then bounce onto the ground. Abu jumps back up to the crystal lamppost.)
(From the lamppost, Abu sees three other mamluks approaching.)
Abu: Uh oh!
(Abu scampers down the post, but his cape gets tangled up in
it. He pulls on his cape to try to get it loose, but it is stuck.
The mamluks have almost reached him when Jasmine hits him with her
whip, pulling him free of the lamppost and into the alleyway where
she and Aladdin are hiding.)
Jasmine: (covering Abu's mouth) Shh!
(The mamluks pass by the alley.)
Aladdin: (looking out onto the street) The mamluks are
on patrol.
Jasmine: I'd face a dozen mamluks to keep that weapon out of Mozenrath's
Aladdin: I'd just like to know what we're up against.
Abu: Yeah!
Jasmine: My father's spies heard Mozenrath's weapon could spell
Agrabah's doom.
Aladdin: I guess that's all we need to know, then.
(Setting: the Palace)
(Genie and Carpet are playing Monopoly. Iago is lying by the
window, eating grapes.)
(Carpet rolls the dice.)
Genie: Woo hoo hoo! You're going to land on Agrabah Place! Where
I have erected a super-deluxe mega palace!
(Carpet starts to move his game piece.)
Genie: Say hello to bankruptcy!
(Carpet lands on the space after Genie's palace.)
Genie: Huh? You missed it by one!?
Iago: I told you, don't waste your money building palaces. And
always keep a "get out of dungeon free" card handy.
(Carpet waves to Genie.)
Genie: What?
(Carpet shows him the card he just drew.)
Genie: (reading) "You have been elected sultan of
the land. Other players pay you fifty gold pieces." Missed
it by one, and I pay him fifty gold pieces?
Iago: I can't remember the last time Aladdin just let us lounge
in the palace. Say, where are the kid and the monkey, anyway?
Genie: (annoyed) I don't know and I don't care.
Iago: Aladdin didn't tell you what he was doin' tonight?
Genie: He and Jasmine probably went on a date.
Iago: With the monkey? Nah, somethin's up.
Genie: Can't you see I have a game to lose here?
Iago: This may just fuel my paranoid delusions, but I'm gonna nose
(Iago flies out of the room into the hallway and finally comes
to just outside the throne room, where he sees Sultan talking to
Sultan: I'm not so sure I should have let them go by themselves.
It's an extremely dangerous undertaking, very risky.
Iago: "Risky"?
Sultan: But, I trust Aladdin's judgment. If they are successful
it will most definitely be worth it.
Iago: "Worth it"...
(Back in the room where Genie and Carpet are playing their
Genie: (reading a card) "Do not pass Go. Do not collect
200 gold pieces. Proceed directly to Dungeon."
Iago: (flying into the room) I was right!
Genie: Yeah, a "get out of dungeon free" card would come
in handy right about now.
Iago: No, my paranoia is confirmed! They cut me out of the deal.
They cut us all out! But me — that's the part that
Genie: Who cut who out of what?
Iago: Who do you think? The kid, the princess, and that stinky
little monkey!
Genie: (turns into a reporter) Son, a good reporter needs
less opinion and more facts. Now, feed me what you've got!
Iago: Aladdin, Princess Jasmine, and Abu are missing.
Genie: Ooh, I smell a scoop! We could be talkin' front page! So,
where are they?
Iago: They are on a treasure hunt without us!
Genie: Name your sources.
Iago: The sultan, and I quote, (impersonating Sultan)
"It is an extremely dangerous undertaking, but, if they are
successful, it will most definitely be worth it!"
Genie: Oh, that's a highly placed source in the current administration!
Iago: Think, people, think! "Danger" plus "worth
it" equals treasure hunt!
Genie: But why would Al keep it a secret?
Iago: Because he doesn't wanna share.
Genie: Nope, not buying it. There's only one way to settle this.
We'll just have to check the Big Book of Stuff We're Not Supposed
to Know.
(A big book appears, and Genie starts leafing through it.)
Genie: Hmm... what the tooth fairy does with all those molars...
what is really in a tongue sandwich... yech!
(Carpet takes the book from him, finds the correct page, and
shows it to the others.)
Genie: (reading) "Aladdin, Jasmine, and Abu are in
the Land of the Black Sand"!
Iago: No one would go to the Land of the Black Sand unless it was
to get a real juicy treasure!
Genie: Al wouldn't tangle with Mozenrath just to get some treasure.
They must be in some sort of trouble!
Iago: You say "to-may-to", I say "to-mah-to".
You say "trouble", I say "treasure".
Genie: Carpet! Let's move.
(All three fly out the window.)
(Setting: the city in the Land of the Black Sand)
(We see the mamluk still driving the cart carrying Mozenrath's
weapon. Jasmine is up on a bridge above it. She ties her whip to
a gargoyle on the bridge and then swings down, kicking the mamluk
out of the driver's seat and into a pile of barrels.)
Jasmine: (calling up to Aladdin and Abu, who are still on the
bridge) It's all yours, Aladdin.
Aladdin: (to Abu) Where does a princess learn this stuff?
(Aladdin and Abu jump into the driver's seat; Jasmine jumps
onto the back of the cart.)
Jasmine: Ah. That went well.
Aladdin: Looks like we're home free. Yah! (makes the horses
speed up)
(They come to a bunch of mamluks and Xerxes; Aladdin gasps.)
Xerxes: Halt!
(Aladdin stops the cart; when he does his hood falls down over
his face.)
Xerxes: Have weapon?
Aladdin: (impersonating a mamluk) Mmm.
Xerxes: Ooh! Magic weapon! Take to Master.
Aladdin: Mmm?
Xerxes: Mozenrath! Take to Mozenrath!
Aladdin: Mmm. Mmm-hmm. (starts the cart again)
Xerxes: (flies in front of Aladdin) Wrong way! Citadel
there! (points back to the Citadel behind them) Mozenrath
(Aladdin turns the cart around and heads toward the Citadel;
Xerxes follows him.)
(Setting: in another part of the city)
(Two mamluks meet at an intersection. They look at each other,
then go their separate ways. Once one of them is gone, the other
turns around, and we can see that it is Genie in disguise.)
Iago: (coming out from under Genie's mamluk hat) This
had better be a really choice treasure.
(Genie changes back to normal, except that his mouth is still
sewn shut like a mamluk's. He tries to talk, but he can't. Iago
rips the stitches out.)
Genie: (adjusting his jaw) That's better. Now let's find
our friends before the cadaver cavalcade does!
(Carpet flies over to the lamppost Abu got stuck on earlier
and picks up a piece of his torn cape.)
Iago: Hey! What's with the rug?
(The crystal in the lamppost is glowing.)
Genie: Find something of note there, wonder rug?
(Carpet shows Genie the piece of fabric.)
Genie: Ah, a clue! We must analyze this hair. This calls for...
(a lab appears, and Genie turns into a scientist) ...science!
(he looks at a piece of hair from the cape under a microscope)
Iago: Give me that! (takes the piece of hair and sniffs it)
Yeuch! (falls down) That's Abu all right.
Genie: Oh, sure, if you want to do it the easy way. (makes
all the lab equipment disappear)
(Carpet signals to the others to follow him, and they all walk
Genie: Look alive, boys. Mamluks lurk around every corner.
(Once they're gone a group of mamluks turn onto the street
and see that every lamppost on that street is lit up.)
(Setting: at the gates of the Citadel)
(The cart has reached the gates, which open. Mozenrath appears.)
Xerxes: It's here!
Mozenrath: Finally! (to Aladdin) I should shred you for
being late, but... I'm in too good a mood. This is the eve of my
ultimate conquest. At last I have the power to lay waste to the
Seven Deserts.
(Mozenrath begins uncover from the crate holding the weapon;
Jasmine is also hiding under the sheet.)
Xerxes: Mozenrath! Trouble brews!
Mozenrath: (grabs Xerxes by the throat) Indeed it does,
Xerxes, if you persist with this interruption.
Xerxes: (choking) Magical intruders!
Mozenrath: What!? (looks at Aladdin, who still has his face
Xerxes: (turns Mozenrath's head away from Aladdin) There!
There! (points out to the city, where all of the lampposts are
glowing blue)
Mozenrath: (to Aladdin) Stay with the cart. I'll be back
in a flash. (he and Xerxes disappear)
Abu: Whew!
Aladdin: (takes off his hood) Oh, lucky break.
Jasmine: Let's not waste it.
Aladdin: Yah! (he turns the cart around, and the horses gallop
(Setting: another part of the city)
(Carpet, Genie, and Iago are walking down a street.)
Iago: Uh, let's just get the treasure and get out of here.
Genie: (waving his hand under a lamppost, which has just turned
on) See? It's starting to light up! Self-lighting lamps! What
a great idea! How do you suppose they work? Do they sense motion?
Mozenrath: Magic, actually.
(They turn around to see Mozenrath and Xerxes, followed by
a group of mamluks.)
Mozenrath: Hi, kids.
(Mozenrath zaps them with his gauntlet; they are all now in
Mozenrath: I am so glad I ran into you. Because wherever I find
you bumbling sidekicks, I'm sure to find—
Xerxes: Aladdin!
Genie: You think these pathetic little manacles will hold me, Mozenrath!?
(struggles to get free, but gets an electric shock) Ow!
Xerxes: Anti-magic manacles. (chuckles)
Genie: Hmm, I was not aware of such a product.
Mozenrath: I made them. And these crystals, too. They alert me
to uninvited magic. Then I can proceed with capture, torment, abuse...
Xerxes: ...whatever.
Iago: Heh heh heh... Me being non-magical and all, I'm off on a
technicality, right?
Mozenrath: (picks up Iago) Wrong. But I might delay the
pain and suffering, if you tell me where Aladdin is.
Genie: (turns into a soldier) Go on, torture us, you stinking
rat. All you'll get is name, rank, and favorite cereal.
Iago: No! Don't torture us! We know nothing! We're ignoramuses!
The kid ditched us back in Agrabah, just left without the magic
carpet and genie. Why? You tell me, 'cause I don't know!
Genie: (realizing something) Because the magic carpet
and genie would set off the local bad guy security system!
Xerxes: Genie smart.
(Mozenrath grabs him by the throat.)
Xerxes: (worried) Mozenrath smarter!
Mozenrath: Thanks to the genius, we now know that Aladdin is here.
Genie: I did not say that! (to Carpet) Did I say that?
Xerxes: Start search!
Mozenrath: (after thinking for a moment) The driver!
(Setting: the Land of the Black Sand, just outside the city)
(The cart is speeding away.)
Aladdin: Hyah!
Jasmine: We're going to make it!
Abu: Yippee!
(Two mamluks rise out of the sand and break the front wheels
of the cart with their swords.)
Aladdin: Yaah!
(Aladdin loses control of the cart; the horses run away and
the cart skids to a stop. The two mamluks approach the cart. Jasmine
jumps out of the back of the cart and whips one of their arms, pulling
it off, along with the sword it is holding.)
Aladdin: Don't worry, Jasmine, they don't feel a thing.
(Aladdin picks up the fallen sword and starts to fight the
second mamluk. The disembodied arm of the first mamluk grabs his
Aladdin: Which can be a problem...
(Abu pulls the mamluk arm off of Aladdin. Xerxes flies up to
Abu and wraps around him.)
Xerxes: Hi, monkey.
Aladdin: Abu!
Mozenrath: (appearing at the top of a dune) Aladdin, you
were in my kingdom but you didn't look me up? I'm hurt.
(The mamluk he was fighting grabs Aladdin from behind.)
Aladdin: Get used to the feeling. (throws off the mamluk)
(The mamluk is thrown towards Mozenrath, who zaps it; it explodes
into pieces.)
Mozenrath: This is the problem with undead servants. Always falling
apart on the job.
(Jasmine's whip wraps around Mozenrath's gauntlet; he turns
around to see her standing at the top of a dune.)
Mozenrath: Want this? Careful! It packs a punch! (he sends
a bolt of magic along the whip, zapping Jasmine)
Jasmine: Aah!
Aladdin: Jasmine! This ends now, Mozenrath! (runs up behind
Mozenrath, grabbing his gauntlet and putting him in a headlock)
Mozenrath: If only life were so cut and dry.
(Two mamluks appear, carrying the chained Genie, Carpet, and
Iago: We- we were just sitting at home, minding our own business,
when bang! Zoom! And, uh, here we be!
Mozenrath: A surprise complication! So, what'll it be? Surrender,
Xerxes: French-fried friends?
Genie: Don't worry about us, Al.
Iago: Who asked you? Worry, Al. Fret, even.
Aladdin: (letting go of Mozenrath) You win, Mozenrath.
Mozenrath: Status quo.
(Setting: a room inside the citadel)
(The gang are all chained to the wall.)
Iago: (panicking, to Aladdin) You don't think he'll hurt
us, do ya? Very few treasures are worth the risk of open wounds.
Aladdin: There's no treasure, Iago.
Jasmine: We were on a mission to capture a weapon, not a treasure.
Genie: And you would have got it, too, if we'd kept our big, dumb
noses out of it.
Jasmine: We had to keep our plan a secret. We knew you two would
never let us face the danger alone.
Iago: Okay, the magic boys I get, but why not tell me? I have no
qualms with you facing danger solo.
Aladdin: (angrily) We didn't tell you because you have
a big mouth!
Iago: Oh. Good point.
Genie: So... what's the big weapon?
(Mozenrath and Xerxes enter. Mozenrath is levitating the crate
holding the weapon.)
Mozenrath: Expiring minds want to know: what's in the crate?
Xerxes: Yeah, what's in the crate?
Mozenrath: Far be it from me to keep you all in suspense. May I
present... Sirocco!
(The crate opens; there is a whirlwind inside.)
Iago: You bought wind? Oh, there's a lethal weapon! Hey, I'll sell
you some sand to go with it!
Aladdin: Big mouth, Iago. Big mouth.
(Sirocco starts to whirl around Mozenrath.)
Mozenrath: Sirocco: a magical wind from a dark and dangerous corner
of my desert. Sirocco, hear the voice of your master, and obey!
(The magic from Mozenrath's gauntlet surrounds Sirocco; he
jumps out of the whirlwind. Sirocco grows a jackal head and blows
around the room, howling. It lands next to Mozenrath, and, growling,
takes the form of a jackal.)
Mozenrath: Sirocco, destroy.
(Sirocco whirls around a pillar, turning it to dust, then starts
barking at Iago.)
Iago: Nice poochie!
Mozenrath: Sirocco can reduce an entire kingdom to dust. Who would
dare challenge such power?
Jasmine: My father will fight you to his last breath!
Mozenrath: My dear princess, the leaders of the Seven Deserts will
have a choice: grovel at my feet, or gravel at theirs. It begins
at dawn, when I destroy all of you and Agrabah.
Genie: Ha! You can't be in two places at once! You have to destroy
Agrabah or us.
Iago: Eh, go for Agrabah.
Mozenrath: I direct your attention to the ceiling, where you'll
notice a rather large diamond.
Iago: Treasure! I knew it!
Mozenrath: At dawn the sun will hit that diamond, which will magnify
the light into heat... and, well, it gets kind of messy from there.
Iago: Ah, you kids can take this treasure. I'll, uh, get the next
Genie: Nice try, Mozenrath, but a genie isn't afraid of a little
sunburn. Another amateurish oversight.
Mozenrath: Okay, then. Everybody else expires at dawn, while I
blow away Agrabah. Then, say, noon-ish, I return and devise some
way to destroy you.
Xerxes: Good plan.
Genie: You... you could do it that way.
Mozenrath: Well, I could rave all night, but I've got a city to
destroy. Sirocco! Come!
(Sirocco follows Mozenrath out the door.)
(Setting: at dawn, just outside Agrabah)
(Four guards are there on horses.)
Rasoul: The last sunrise this warrior may ever see.
Fazal: Nothing could be worse than to march into the Land of the
Black Sand!
Rasoul: There is one thing worse: to do so with the sultan in command.
(The sultan walks towards them.)
Sultan: Uh, has- has anyone seen my horse? I- I seem to have misplaced
him. Well, stallion or not, I will lead this elite attack force.
Aladdin and Jasmine have been gone too long. We must bring the battle
to Mozenrath.
(Mozenrath appears at the top of a dune.)
Mozenrath: No, old man. I've brought the battle to you. Sirocco,
hear your master's voice.
(Sirocco, as a whirlwind, approaches Mozenrath, then turns
into a jackal.)
Sultan: Oh, my!
Rasoul: (nervously) Awaiting your orders, Commander!
(Setting: the Citadel, in the room where the gang is being
held prisoner)
Genie: (being electrocuted by his shackles) Yaah! It's
no use. I've tried everything. These anti-magic manacles are a real
Iago: (impersonating Genie) Another amateurish oversight!
(normally) I'd say that the brat-who-would-be-king has
his bases covered.
Aladdin: Not all of 'em. Right, Abu?
(Abu digs through his vest pocket with his tail, and pulls
out a lock pick.)
Abu: Aha! (reaches over with his tail and starts to pick the
lock of Genie's manacles)
Genie: (nervously) No pressure. No pressure at all.
(The diamond in the ceiling lights up and starts burning a
hole in the wall, which starts near the ceiling and gradually begins
to move down a the sun rises. It is heading toward Jasmine.)
Genie: Okay, there's pressure! Big pressure! Do it now!
(Abu gets Genie's lock open)
Abu: All right!
(Genie flies up to the ceiling and smashes the gem.)
Genie: (wearing lots of jewelry) Is this too much? Be
honest... (frees the others)
Aladdin: Let's move!
(Setting: Outside Agrabah)
Mozenrath: Sirocco, destroy!
(Sirocco destroys a building, and the sultan and guards run
for cover.)
Rasoul: How can we fight such a beast?
Mozenrath: It was worth getting up early for this.
(Sirocco chases Sultan.)
Sultan: Back, you infernal beast!
(Jasmine and Carpet grab Sultan and carry him away.)
Sultan: Jasmine?
Jasmine: Let's get you out of here.
Mozenrath: (angrily) The princess.
Xerxes: And Aladdin!
Aladdin: Oh, did we miss much?
Mozenrath: You're just in time to witness the destruction of Agrabah.
Aladdin: (to Abu) Maybe he needs a girlfriend or something.
Iago: I think he's married to his work.
Mozenrath: It's so true! I love it! (zaps Aladdin)
Genie: (as a knight) Prepare to defend thyself, knave!
Mozenrath: Consider me prepared. Sirocco, attack!
(Sirocco attacks Genie, destroying his armor; Genie falls down.)
Mozenrath: Maybe I've found that elusive way to destroy Genie.
Xerxes: Xerxes watch!
(Jasmine and Carpet fly over to Aladdin and the others.)
Jasmine: How're we doing?
Iago: Not good.
Aladdin: We can still turn this around. Come on, Abu!
(Aladdin and Abu get on Carpet with Jasmine.)
(Sirocco growls at Genie.)
Mozenrath: Destroy, Sirocco! Eradicate!
(Aladdin and Abu tackle Mozenrath and Xerxes.)
Mozenrath: Sirocco! D-destroy Aladdin!
Iago: (impersonating Mozenrath) Attack this, destroy that...
And you guys say I have a big mouth!
Jasmine: Iago! We need your big mouth!
(Aladdin and Mozenrath are still fighting; Sirocco is about
to attack Aladdin.)
Iago: (impersonating Mozenrath) Sirocco, retreat! Sirocco,
beat it! Retreat at once!
(Sirocco backs away.)
Aladdin: Thanks!
Mozenrath: That wasn't my order. Nobody commands my magical minions
but me! Nobody!
(Aladdin grabs Mozenrath and covers his mouth.)
Aladdin: It is you, as far as Sirocco knows.
Iago: Ahem. (as Mozenrath) Sirocco, I command you to go
to the farthest corner of the Earth and don't come back!
(Sirocco turns into a whirlwind and speeds away.)
Genie: Ooh, that hurt! Okay, point me towards Mozen-rotten and
his wonder worm!
Aladdin: He's all yours.
(Genie picks Mozenrath up.)
Mozenrath: Whoa! Unhand me!
Genie: Hey, good idea! That magic hand of yours really annoys me.
(covers Mozenrath's gauntlet with a giant oven mitt)
Mozenrath: What?
Genie: Anti-magic mittens!
(Abu throws Xerxes to Genie.)
Genie: Now where'd I put the other one? Oh, yes...
Xerxes: Stupid genie! Mozenrath— (the other mitten covers
his face)
Aladdin: Mission accomplished, Sultan.
Iago: Ha, what would you have done without us?
Jasmine: I guess we'll never know. |