(Setting: inside the palace.
A tour guide leads a group of people down a hall.)
Tour guide: Together now, people. We're walking,
we're walking... We are now approaching the royal throne room. Behind
these doors the sultan toils ceaselessly for the welfare of all
citizens of Agrabah.
Sultan: (runs past) Ho ho ho ho! More
jewels! More jewels! Must get more jewels for the dancing donkey!
Tour guide: What would our nation be without
the royals?
(Setting: the throne room. Aladdin and Jasmine
are looking at a mechanical donkey.)
Aladdin: Where did you say your father got this
Jasmine: It just showed up in the throne room
this morning.
Aladdin: I'm lookin' at a donkey, but I'm smellin'
a rat.
Sultan: (runs into the room carrying a pile
of jewels) I have the jewels! Ho ho ho!
Donkey: (with Iago's voice) Feed me
a jewel and watch me dance.
(Sultan puts a jewel in its mouth; the donkey
stands up and dances)
Sultan: Wonderful!
Donkey: (stops dancing) Feed me more
jewels. Don't be stingy now.
Sultan: (puts the rest of the jewels in
its mouth) Oh, no no no. Mustn't be stingy.
Aladdin: Hmm... Abu, listen... (whispers
to Abu, who then runs off)
Jasmine: What did you tell him?
Aladdin: Watch.
Donkey: We're running low on diamonds in here.
(Abu removes a bolt from the donkey, and
it breaks in half; Iago is inside controlling it.)
Iago: Donkey can't dance without... without...
Why, this isn't the palace of King Wasatutu! Why, I... when I get
a hold of the chumps who delivered me to the wrong address... Pow!
Zoom! Awk!
Sultan: Are you trying to make a fool of me,
Iago: Oh, there's a challenge. Did I say that
out loud?
(Setting: the palace entrance. Sultan throws
Iago outside.)
Iago: Aaah! Ow!
Sultan: And you'll stay out until you learn
some respect.
Iago: I don't need your charity. I'll just live
in the gutter and eat scraps and stagger to an early grave.
Sultan: I'm glad you've made arrangements.
Iago: That worked.
Sultan: If that flapping sound is Iago, tell
him I'm not in.
Jasmine: Father, look out!
(Amin Dimoola flies in through the open
door, wearing a pair of winged shoes.)
Amin: Surprise! It's me. Amin Dimoola. The prince
of thieves. (sprinkles some powder on Sultan)
Rasoul: (trying to attack Amin) Hold
still, you sticky-fingered parasite!
Sultan: Ah, ah, ah, ah CHOO!
(Sultan turns into a gold statuette.)
Aladdin: Sultan!
Jasmine: Father!
Amin: (puts the statuette in his hat)
Oh, I've been meaning to pick up one of these. So long, keep in
touch, don't be a stranger! (flies back out the door)
Aladdin: Carpet! After him! (Aladdin, Abu,
and Carpet follow him)
Jasmine: Don't let him get away!
(Setting: the sky above Agrabah)
Amin: Hurry, you sluggardly slippers! (the
shoes fly erratically; Amin ends up upside down)
Aladdin: Let's show those loafers some real
(Amin flies towards a spire, feet first)
Amin: Watch out for the spire! Go around! Go
(One shoe goes right, the other goes left)
Aladdin: Ooh, that had to hurt.
Amin: (dizzily, carrying the broken-off
spire between his legs) I'm all right.
(Carpet flies up to Amin while he's disoriented;
Aladdin takes the sultan's statue back)
Aladdin: Back to the palace, Carpet!
Amin: (to his shoes) Turn around, turn
around. (they turn him upside down) Right side up, you
Aladdin: Well, you're safe now, Sultan.
Amin: I have a few tricks under my belt yet,
Aladdin. (reaches into his pants) Behold! (pulls out
his boxers) My shorts! No. Wait. That's wrong. Sorry. (throws
them away, reaches back into his pants and pulls out a monkey's
paw) Behold! The Monkey's Paw of Mamoon-Ra! Now, how did that
spell go? Give me a minute, uh, oh, yes! Monkey paw, monkey paw,
hear my rhyme, take to the sky and get what's mine! (throws
the paw; it flies back to him with the boxers) No, not those,
the sultan, you silly simian appendage!
(The paw flies in front of Aladdin.)
Abu: Ew, yuck!
(The paw grabs Aladdin's nose and grabs
the sultan when he drops him.)
Aladdin: Ow!
(The paw brings Sultan back to Amin.)
Amin: Good job, my disembodied friend.
Aladdin: Head 'im off, Carpet!
Amin: Monkey paw, monkey paw, hear my poem,
make Aladdin leave me alone!
(The paw flies at Aladdin's face; he knocks
it down. It falls down and staggers disoriented to the edge of Carpet,
then falls off. Abu watches sadly, and takes off his hat.)
Aladdin: Amin Dimoola's just a common thief.
Where'd he get all these magical devices?
(Abu chatters to him.)
Aladdin: You're right, we need our own magical
device. Ah, of all the time for Genie to go visit friends!
(Genie is in a palace with Napoleon, folding
a newspaper.)
Genie: We fold this here, this over like this,
and voila! A boat!
Napoleon: (puts it on his head) C'est
un chapeau!
Genie: Like I said, it's a hat!
(Setting: the sky above the palace)
Amin: (to the shoes) No, no, you're
headed the wrong way!
Aladdin: We've almost got 'im, Carpet!
Amin: (pulls a cotton swab out of his pants)
Aladdin forces me to use the Swab of the Seven Samurai!
(Cotton shoots out of the swab, trapping
Aladdin and Abu)
Aladdin: Ahh! What is this stuff?
(Setting: outside the palace. Jasmine is
looking up at Aladdin and Amin; Iago is sunbathing in a folding
chair, wearing sunglasses.)
Jasmine: Don't just sit there, Iago. Help them.
Iago: As a newly appointed outcast, my job is
to sit here and bask in the irony.
Jasmine: (annoyed) Oh! I'll see that
you're reinstated.
Iago: Okay, throw in kitchen privileges and
you've got a deal!
Jasmine: Do the words "parrot kebab"
mean anything to you?!
Iago: Uh, can't talk. Gotta rescue Sultan!
(Setting: the sky)
Amin: I love this thing! (kisses the swab)
Ew, wax.
(Carpet flies Aladdin and Abu back to the
palace and drops them in the fountain, washing off the cotton.)
Jasmine: Aladdin, are you all right?
Aladdin: We're fine, but Amin's escaping with
your father.
Jasmine: Oh, it's all up to Carpet and Iago
(Setting: the sky)
Iago: Yo! Flappy feet! Slow down a second. We
should team up. Be partners. I've got a plan that could make us
both very rich.
Amin: Why should I listen to you?
Iago: Why, if you let me rescue the sultan,
the reward will be...
Amin: What?!
Iago: Well, a lot more than you can imagine!
Amin: I don't know. I can imagine quite a bit.
Iago: Me, too. And I promise you'll get a full
ten percent.
Amin: Ten percent? Never!
Iago: Sweetheart! Ten percent is nothing to
sneeze at! Lay your baby blues on this! (shows him a diamond)
And there's more where this came from.
Amin: Oh, yeah... the sparkly, pretty... No!
No! I cannot! I refuse to be distracted by the lure of mere wealth.
Iago: Mere wealth? What are you, daffodil cuckoo-boy
now? Mere wealth?
Amin: I'm on a specific mission. I don't want
to hear it! Go away, I say! Go! Go! (crashes into a building,
dropping Sultan) I'm all right...
Iago: (catches Sultan) Ha! That was
easy. Amin Dimoola, king of pain. (imitating Amin) "I refuse
to be distracted..." (crashes into a different building,
dropping Sultan) Ooh!
Amin: (catches the statue) Dimoola
saves it on the rebound! Yes!
Iago: I love makin' the deal; I hate doin' the
job. (slides down the side of the building, Carpet catches him)
(Carpet and Iago follow Amin. Amin shoots
cotton at them, but Carpet dodges it)
Amin: I'm beginning to feel harassed!
Iago: Could we go back for my stomach? Ah!
(Carpet drops Iago and wraps around Amin,
capturing him. Amin drops Sultan.)
Amin: What the...? Oh!
(Sultan falls toward a canyon filled with
flowing lava.)
Iago: My meal ticket! I mean, the sultan!
(Carpet drops Amin and dives after Sultan.
Amin's shoes fall off; he grabs one of them to keep himself from
Amin: I could have taken a winged camel, but
no! I wanted the shoes!
Iago: (diving after Sultan) Oh, great,
here comes another nosebleed! Awk!
(The statue falls into the lava. Carpet
flies around franticly, looking for him.)
Iago: I failed you when you needed me most,
Princess! If only I could've flapped a little harder! Yeah, that
sounds good. (some lava splashes up and burns his tail)
Awk! Hey! Gettin' quick-roasted was not part of this bargain!
(Some lava splashes up again, throwing the
statue up into the air. Carpet catches it.)
Iago: Now that was impressive. If you
don't make rug of the year, somebody bribed the judges. (Carpet
flies away from him) Hey, wait a minute!
(The shoe Amin isn't holding onto starts
kicking him; he lets go of the other and starts to fall.)
Amin: No!
Iago: All right, I'm begging! Let me
return the sultan to the princess! I can't leave the palace. It's
got tapestries, marble floors, indoor plumbing!
(Carpet sees Amin falling, throws Sultan
to Iago, and catches Amin.)
Iago: And I wasn't even through groveling yet!
(Setting: the palace, on a balcony)
Jasmine: Oh, they've been gone too long!
Rasoul: That's what happens when a sultan trusts
his safety to a street rat.
Aladdin: I'm too worried to resent that comment,
Rasoul. Ah, if only Genie were here...
(Genie appears wearing a safari outfit and
with his head shrunk.)
Genie: Travel tip, Al. Never greet
a witch doctor with a joy-buzzer handshake. (grows a new head)
Lucky I packed a spare.
(Iago, Carpet, and Amin fly toward them.)
Jasmine: They're coming!
Iago: You shoulda been there! The sultan plunged
to certain doom in a fiery chasm. I dove, dodging red-hot geysers,
choking in the sulfurous fumes. It was a million to one, but I did
(Carpet shrugs.)
Jasmine: (shows Sultan to Genie) What
do you think, Genie?
Genie: Very nice. Franklin Mint?
Aladdin: It's the sultan, Genie. Look, can you
change him back to the way he was?
Genie: You mean, all soft and squishy? Oh, ho.
No problem! Hmm... All we need is some toenail of griffin. (starts
looking through his suitcase) Sorry, Jas. Fresh out. I used
all my griffin toenail on last night's pizza.
Amin: You won't find any anywhere!
My client cornered the market months ago. He has a thing for griffins.
Aladdin: Who are you working for, Amin?
Amin: I'll never tell! We thieves have a strict
code of honor!
(Setting: the dungeon, a little while later.
Amin is suspended by shackles on his wrists above a pit of crocodiles
that are snapping at his feet.)
Amin: Maybe I should tell.
(A magic portal appears; through it we can
see Mozenrath in his throne room.)
Mozenrath: This is no time for idle hanging
around, Amin.
Amin: Mozenrath, the magic dust turned the sultan
to gold just as you said it would. You the man.
Mozenrath: I'm disappointed in you, Amin. We
agreed that if I provided the magic you'd do the footwork.
Amin: (dodging the crocodiles) I am
doing the footwork!
Mozenrath: Oh, poor Amin. A two-dinari thief
could've owned Agrabah by now with the bag of tricks I've given
you! But it has been amusing to watch you fail.
Xerxes: Watch you fail!
Amin: Just a little more time and I'll prove
my worth to you. Really!
Mozenrath: You've got two tricks left. Retrieve
the statue, and I will make you the most respected thief of the
Seven Deserts. Fail, and you will spend the rest of your life repaying
me for my kindness. Win-win for me, win-lose for you. (closes
the portal)
Xerxes: Amin loser.
Amin: (pulls a piece of cloth out of his
pants) The Belt of Invisibility! (he wraps it around himself
and vanishes, then escapes from his shackles)
(Setting: the royal treasure room. Genie
places the golden statuette of the sultan on a pedestal.)
Genie: You'll be safe here, your bric-a-brac-a-ness!
Iago: After my death-defying rescue, the sultan
would surely reward me with a personally selected tidbit from the
royal treasury. A little something loaded with meaning and sentiment.
But, since he can't pick it out himself, I'll just have to settle
for quantity.
(Turns into a vacuum and sucks up Iago.)
Genie: Let's leave that for the sultan to decide,
shall we? (Shoots Iago out into the hallway; he falls in a vase
with a splash.)
Iago: Okay, who's been spittin' in the vases?
(Setting: a hallway in the palace)
Aladdin: Which cell did you put Amin Dimoola
in, Rasoul?
Rasoul: Number nine.
Aladdin and Jasmine: Number nine?
Jasmine: That's the crocodile pit!
Rasoul: Well, I, uh... I must have forgotten.
(Setting: the dungeon. Aladdin, Jasmine,
Abu, and Rasoul enter Amin's cell and see the empty shackles.)
Aladdin: We're too late. Now we'll never know
who Amin was working for!
(The cell door slams shut, trapping them
Aladdin and Jasmine: What?
Aladdin: There's no one out there!
Amin: Surprise! (takes off the belt and
reappears) Look who has a magic belt of invisibility!
Aladdin: What? But where'd you get that...?
(The portal reappears, showing Mozenrath's
Mozenrath: From me. It was just taking up space
in my closet.
Aladdin: Mozenrath! So now you're hiring common
thieves to do your dirty work?
Mozenrath: Anything to squeeze a few more hours
into the day.
Aladdin: It'll take more than just a few cheap
tricks to beat us, Mozenrath!
Mozenrath: Big words from someone behind bars
in his own dungeon. (to Amin) Now get along, you. I want
that sultan.
Rasoul: You'll never get past my guards!
Amin: What the guards can't see they can't catch.
Jasmine: Leave my father alone, Mozenrath. I'll
give you anything.
Mozenrath: Before I'm done, Princess, you'll
give me everything.
(Setting: a hallway in the palace. Iago
climbs out of the vase.)
Iago: This is no way to treat a hero! (sees
Amin's wet footprints leading toward the treasure room) Either
I'm seein' things or... somebody got a new belt of invisibility!
(Setting: the dungeon. Abu is picking the
lock of the cell.)
Aladdin: Hurry, Abu! We have to protect the
Aladdin: Way to go, Abu!
(Setting: the treasure room. Genie is guarding
the sultan dressed as a commando.)
Genie: My eye is keen. My aim is true. My gun
is big. My every sense is alive! I see! I hear! I smell! ... I smell
a little too much.
(Amin carries the sultan away while Genie
is talking; Iago watches him.)
Iago: Ah, let's see, a belt of invisibility
on your average two-dinari thief would hang just about... here!
(pulls the belt off of Amin)
(Amin runs into the hall and sees Aladdin
and the others)
Amin: But they can't see me, because I'm...
Aladdin: There he is!
Amin: I'm... not invisible.
(They chase Amin back into the treasure
room. Genie sees him and turns into a tank.)
Mozenrath: (watching from the Land of the
Black Sand) This is what I get for subcontracting.
(Amin pulls out a gem.)
Mozenrath: Ha! His last trick. The Stone of
Aladdin: The game's over, Amin.
Jasmine: Give us the statue!
Amin: Oh, Stone of Transformation, turn me into
a... a... oh, I don't know... a griffin!
Mozenrath: No, no! Not a griffin!
Amin: (starts transforming into a griffin)
Hey, it worked!
Jasmine: If we could just get a toenail...
Aladdin: We'll be lucky if he doesn't get ours.
Genie, stop him!
Genie: I can't! I might hit the sultan!
(Amin as a griffin crashes through the roof
and flies away)
Aladdin: Come on, Carpet. After 'im!
(Carpet, Aladdin, and Genie fly off after
Amin. The griffin shoots laser beams from its eyes, hitting Genie,
who is zapped into into many tiny Genies wearing parachutes.)
Genie: Aah!
Aladdin: Genie!
Genie: Don't worry, Al. I'll be right back as
soon as I pull myself together.
(Setting: the balcony)
Iago: If only there was something I could do
to help! Unfortunately I am but a tiny parrot and...
Jasmine: And perfect for fighting that griffin!
Iago: I am?
Jasmine: (holds out the Belt of Invisibility)
You can sneak up on him and rescue Father!
Iago: I can?
Jasmine: Or, I can put the guards on parrot
Iago: Uh, the things I do to support an indulgent
lifestyle... (puts on the belt and disappears)
(Setting: the sky)
Aladdin: We have to make him drop the sultan.
(A laser hits Carpet; Aladdin is thrown
off but lands on the roof of a building)
Iago: (tickling the griffin) Kitchie-kitchie
coo! (Amin drops the sultan) There he goes again. This
guy is the plummeting champion of the world! (catches the statue)
(Carpet picks Aladdin back up, he and Genie
fly after Amin.)
Aladdin: Now's your chance, Genie.
Genie: One Genie whammy on its way! (sees
the griffin about to zap him and holds up a mirror) Just look
at what that expression does to your face.
(The laser reflects back on Amin, who changes
back to normal, singed, and falls to the ground)
Mozenrath: Today is the first day of the rest
of your miserable life.
Amin: I suspected as much.
(Setting: the throne room)
Aladdin: Okay, we got rid of Amin, but we still
need some clipping of griffin toenail to restore the sultan.
Iago: Ahem. While I was tickling, I engaged
in a little griffin grooming. (holds out a griffin talon)
Aladdin and Jasmine: A toenail!
Genie: Uno momento! (turns into a chef and
starts grating the toenail above the golden statue; the powder turns
Sultan back to normal)
Sultan: Genie! Stop that this instant!
Jasmine: Oh, Father!
Sultan: I don't know what's happened, but I'm
sure Iago has something to do with it. What's that bird doing back
in the palace?
Iago: Your majesty! I am cut to the quick. Not
only have I saved your life twice, but I have a nifty little
belt of invisibility for you, too.
Aladdin: Where is that belt, anyway?
Jasmine: I have a pretty good idea.
(A pile of bananas floats by.)
Jasmine: (pulls the belt off Abu) Going
somewhere, Abu?
(Abu drops the bananas, everyone laughs.) |