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AladdinFan92 Sultan

Joined: 26 Feb 2006 Posts: 305 Location: the Magic Carpet (I wish)
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:30 pm Post subject: An interesting article about the Disney Princesses... |
There I was,minding my buisniess on AOL,when the main page of my mom's sn, and web page entitled "Black Voices" came up as usual. It's a webpage with various articles about current events having to do with African Americans. And I found a very interesting DP article that I thought we could all discuss.
For the record---THIS IS NOT MY ARTICLE!!! I don't own it,and I didn't write it. I simply copy and pasted it because I thought it was an item of interest to all the Disney fans on this site. Read,enjoy,and feel free to get a discussion going! (we all know how explosive that article about Jasmine was,lol)
Disney Princesses:Black Girls Need Not Apply
A Look at Disney's Animated Royalty
"Mommy, why don't any of the princesses look like me," asks the beautiful brown girl, a curious mixture of hurt and bewilderment in her eyes. It is questions like this that torment black parents or caretakers, who like everyone else, want their children to be respected, affirmed, and yes, represented.
Unfortunately, if said parents are in a Disney store, or at a Disney "Princesses on Ice" show with their kids, they'd better start thinking fast, because the mouse kingdom has never crowned a black princess.
Unless, as some wryly note, you count the character of Nala from the Africa-set 'The Lion King,' (who is in fact, an animal), African Americans are not represented in Disney's pantheon of princesses.
There are Disney princesses from almost every other ethnic group including Mulan (who is Chinese), Pocahontas (Native American), Jasmine (Middle Eastern descent), the original Caucasian princesses we all grew up with -- Snow White, Cinderella and Fantasia -- and even 'The Little Mermaid's' Ariel (of the sea).
To some, this is politics as usual, to others, not so big a deal when the black community has "real" issues to deal with. Yet, for some parents, this issue harkens back to a time when we had to explain to our children why we sat at the back of the bus. For girls, especially, notions of self-image and representation are an important part of development.
"Clearly there's always a correlation between the images you are bombarded by and how you feel about yourself," says Dr. Robert Atwell, president of the Association of Black Psychologists, who has been working with black children, adults and families for over 35 years. "So you either get presented with images that stimulate your sense of potential or images that ignore you or are negative."
In 2005, shortly after Katrina Helm and her family visited Walt Disney World, the North-Carolina-based mother started an online petition because her daughter asked such a question and Disney responded with what Helm deemed an unsatisfactory answer. According to her letter to the company, a representative from Disney responded by saying that there were "no African American fairy tales."
The Burbank based Walt Disney Company, which boasted about 8 billion dollars in sales last year, is one of the most recognized brands on the planet. Disney, the parent company to television network ABC, did not return any calls to Black Voices by press time.
Though no hard numbers exist, African Americans support Disney -- most of us have traveled to one its theme parks, bought our children a Disney DVD or have purchased Disney merchandise for our daughters, nieces or grandchildren.
The Disney company has historically been called out for everything from racism ('Song of the South') to sexism (how come all the princesses have to be rescued?) to unscrupulous labor practices. Some in the community caution that we should be careful what we wish for, especially as it relates to potentially reducing our girls to passive objects of adoration.
"I'm not sure that little black girls haven't fared better because they haven't had a princess," notes Dr. Deborah Cunningham, a New York-based psychologist. "Because if you look at the white [Disney] princesses, they've all been victimized in some way. They've all been saved by a prince, right? And they're all looking for true love."
She continues, "In other words, if [black girls] are not identifying with these delicate little white girls who are being saved by the prince and taken off to the kingdom, then that may not be so bad. Whether they feel beautiful is something else."
There also may be an effect on black boys as well -- and therefore the community as a whole, posits Cunningham, who says the whole Disney culture is a bit "scary."
"I think there's another piece to it, which also has to do with how others perceive us. So the fact that you're a princess -- whether you're a victim or not -- you still are adored. You're wonderful. Unconditional," she says. "I think that adoration, particularly when it comes to male/female relationships, is something we could work on. So you're adored, you're regarded, you're respected, all of those things. So I think on that front, little black girls may not get as much of that."
Alright. Now,for the record,here's my two cents:
I'm African American,but the absence of a black Disney Princess never bothered me in the slightest. I love them all,and I don't feel offended by them. I also have always admired the fact that Disney embraced other cultures in their films. Further down in my ancestry,I am also Native American,and I was thrilled when they made Pocohontas,and she became my hero as a child. Of course,Aladdin is my all time favorite Disney movie,and in this day an age when there's a lot of Middle East bashing done in the US,I'm glad there are movies like Aladdin that get rid of some of those stereotypes,so that children don't have to grow up thinking that people from the Middle East are any different from anybody else.
Anyway,my point is,I love Disney movies,and I love that they have movies about all different cultures,and not just white people. Just because they haven't made one about African Americans doensn't mean they're racist.
But what do you guys think? How many people here on AC are black like me? The only one I know of is AG. Did the abscece of a black DP offend you? _________________
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Nez Eccentric Papyrus Jockey

Joined: 07 Oct 2004 Posts: 2617 Location: Bellevue, Ne
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:45 pm Post subject: |
Kida from "Atlantis" kind of looks "black" and her voice was done by Cree Summer who is both of African and Native American descent. How come nobody ever mentions her? _________________
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AladdinsGenie Genie of the Messageboard

Joined: 17 Jul 2004 Posts: 11874 Location: Tennessee
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:08 pm Post subject: Re: An interesting article about the Disney Princesses... |
Oh boy, where to begin.....
Quote: |
"I'm not sure that little black girls haven't fared better because they haven't had a princess," notes Dr. Deborah Cunningham, a New York-based psychologist. "Because if you look at the white [Disney] princesses, they've all been victimized in some way. They've all been saved by a prince, right? And they're all looking for true love."
She continues, "In other words, if [black girls] are not identifying with these delicate little white girls who are being saved by the prince and taken off to the kingdom, then that may not be so bad. Whether they feel beautiful is something else." |
UGH. So because there hasn't been a black Disney princess, we're better off because of it because we're not being victimized? Oh, please. As much as I'll get shot for saying this, I kinda prefer if there wasn't one. Not because I want her to be "victimized" and make my own race look bad and pathetic like this article is saying (which is another rant in itself), but because people have a fit over the ethnic characters that ARE around. Pocahontas, Mulan, Jasmine, Kida...they've all been put under the same race issues. If we can't accept those, how are we going to bring ANOTHER ethnicity into the mess? I mean really, can you IMAGINE the CONTROVERSY that would cause if they made an African American film that WASN'T based off animals? I think people are still trying to recover from Song of the South . Aladdin has been under fire from 1992 to the current day over the "omg stereotypes of Arabs"...I don't even wanna THINK what would happen if they did an all-black film. I would love to see it, personally, but I know they are going to pick it apart with all the stereotypes they can find. I think Sweet from Atlantis: The Lost Empire is one of, if not, the first African American character in a Disney movie. It made sense because it's very well possible to have one there, where I don't think it's all that possible to have them in the other movies for historical purposes. (Feel free to correct that)
And don't we have African characters in our series? It makes sense to have them, right? Yeessss. And now that I think about it, so did the Little Mermaid series. Gabrielle the deaf mermaid, no? Ok, so they've all been in a television series and they're not as well-known, but it's not like they've been completely absent.
And I have a problem when you DO like someone because of what race they are. I freakin' LOVED Ariel when I was a kid and I didn't care if she was white. Not ONCE did I ask "omg, why are there no black princesses for me to idolize, mommy?" Why? I was taught better than that...and I wasn't a princess person to begin with . I don't care if you're black, white, Asian, green, male or female--if I like you, I like you. My mom is a Cinderella fanatic, my dad *loves* Hercules, my sister is a Pocahontas fan like whoa, one of my brothers pretty much idolizes the sarcasm of Kuzco and randomness of that movie, the other one adores Tarzan, and me...well yeah . No, it's not because we're forced to love these characters and movies since we have no other choice--it's because WE DON'T CARE. If we really cared that much, we wouldn't be supporting Disney right now. We would be pissed off there are no all-African American movies and vow never to watch another Disney movie until there is one. I can't stand that fact that this article basically said "Well, African Americans have supported Disney, but they haven't given us anything black in return." If that's why you're supporting Disney, because you think you deserve something ethnic in return, then please stop. Never in my life have I heard such a ridiculous idea to support something and it's damn right disgusting that exists.
I'll be completely 100% honest with you..."The Lion King" is THE "black" movie for a lot of African Americans because of its African roots. Now this isn't saying this applies to all African Americans (*raises hand for Aladdin*), but a lot of people I have ran in to consider this "their" movie and it's their favorite. "Aladdin" is usually next in line for favorites by African Americans because of the ethnic factor again, and the music believe it or not. It has drums in it and black people respond to drums--don't forget that . But again, I've seen all the movies loved by African Americans, so that is by no means the official number and code to go by (there shouldn't be a code to go by to begin with, but hey that's how I feel on the situation).
As far as the princesses go, it's usually Jasmine for African Americans because she has "attitude", but I've seen ALL the princesses loved reguardless of race. There is an African American girl that gets on the city bus I see that has a new Cinderella purse every day . People DO tend to gravitate towards things they can identify with, I have several Island Pacific friends who were doing flips when Lilo and Stitch came out , but that wasn't the ONLY reason why they loved it and it shouldn't be.
Just looking at myself...Aladdin is my favorite movie and Jasmine is my favorite princess and it's not because she's the princess that looks the closest to me (which really isn't that close at all ). I just like the damn movie. I can relate to it, even being black and there isn't any African Americans in the movie itself. Isn't that funny? The movie is about Arabs, yet me being an African American can relate to these characters. LE GASP.
Is it not possible these days to just like something because and not have to find a reason that is political?
And just to give you a funny story, I shall leave you with an IM conversation I had with my cousin a year ago that always makes me laugh:
Cousin: i almost had a fight this wk (white kid)
Cousin: guess why i almost had a fight
Cousin: we were arguing over Aladdin
Me: ....you're lying
Cousin: nope
Me: Liar
Me: You would not get in a fight at that expensive school over Aladdin (he went to an all boy's catholic school in New Orleans at the time)
Cousin: im serious
Cousin: o yes i would
Me: No you wouldn't and no you didn't
Cousin: im tellim you the truth
Me: You are not
Cousin: want to hear the story
Me: Sure, let's see what you can make up
Me: You might need those skills to make a story one day
Cousin: i was singing a whole new world in class
Me: ...wow, you can stop right there. That's a lie
Cousin: you know your favorite song for me to sing (When he was here visiting during the summer one year, he'd walk around singing in it out of key and I'd threaten his life )
Cousin: i swear
Cousin: i was singin it in Spanish 1
Cousin: and a dude name newton said o no you not singin Aladdin
Cousin: i said im honorin him for black history month (this was in February )
Cousin: and they all laughed
Cousin: until some guy named kevin said. y aladdins not black
Cousin: and i said o yes he is
Cousin: so i began to tell him how he's black
Cousin: i said he has a pet monkey
Cousin: he lives in a tore down apartment in the projects
Cousin: he met a chick who he tried to holla at, who he lies to all the time
Cousin: his homie turned him into a pimp
Cousin: he broke
Cousin: he went to jail
Cousin: and so on
Me: LOL!! Darren, you are so lying
Cousin: then he got angry and threw a pencil at me
Cousin: then i got up out my seat and told him to chill out
Cousin: so he pushed me
Cousin: and i shoved him down
Cousin: but he didnt defend his self
Cousin: so i left him alone
Cousin: and so.....
Cousin: Aladdin may look arabian, but he isnt. he's just light skinned
Me: You are SO lying
Cousin: i swear
So there you have it folks. Aladdin is a HUGE stereotype of an African American and no one has said anything yet. They're too busy trying to call him on being too Western and too offensive to Arabs to notice  |
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Syera Cynical Scribe

Joined: 03 Jul 2005 Posts: 3441 Location: West Nenūvān
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:16 pm Post subject: |
AG is of African descent, though her 'blackness' is in dispute.
Kida's probably forgotten because she's been... well, forgotten. Atlantis never really did catch that much popularity.
Quote: |
According to her letter to the company, a representative from Disney responded by saying that there were "no African American fairy tales." |
Balony. Africa has legends and stories just like anywhere else. Western society may not be aware of them, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Also, even if you didn't know any African stories per se, that's really no excuse. It's not so difficult to make up a story about a black heroine, is it?
Although I don't believe Disney has been trying to be intentionally discriminatory, I think they'd do well to make a African-type princess sort of character. I'm a sucker for variety.  _________________
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APK Sinister Snack Fairy
Joined: 06 Sep 2005 Posts: 1322 Location: Lost
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:24 pm Post subject: |
Well, I'm black. And I like all the princesses. It never bothered me. I never wanted to become white or be someone that I wasn't. I never let cartoons get to my head like that. I knew it was just fantasy.
It isn't fair to say that all Native Americans are represented by Pocahontas. And not all white races are represented by Belle. Not all Asian people are representesd by Mulan. Can they really say that the only kind of African music out there is the kind heard in TLK? There isn't a Filipino princess and I haven't heard any complaints from them...
It isn't their race that matters, it's how the princesses treat other people and treat themselves.
I'm glad there isn't a black princess yet (although everyone forgets Kida) because when they do a black princess, I want it to be because they were inspired by a great story and not because they felt they had to be "politically correct." Whenever soemone does a story with other intentions other than telling a good story, the story ends up like crap. Besides, I'd want it to be in 2D.
If I knew a kid that took Disney cartoons this seriously, I'd have to tell them to get a life. But I'd probably just make them cry. Kids like that have serious self-esteem issues that go beyond cartoons. Their parents should teach them how to love themselves instead of fueling the pointless fire by saying, "Yes, honey, Disney doesn't like you because they think you're too ugly to be a princess. Now shut up and go watch that entire Disney library I bought you because I'm trying to get work done around here"
This reminds me of another thread on AC about something on Oprah's magazine. Didn't we email them? Did they ever reply? |
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AladdinsGenie Genie of the Messageboard

Joined: 17 Jul 2004 Posts: 11874 Location: Tennessee
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:21 pm Post subject: |
And that brings up another point: do they want a movie based off an African tale or a African Disney princess? Because just because they get an African tale doesn't mean there's going to be a princess in it. I can almost bet you if there was a African Disney movie and the girl wasn't made to be a princess, you would here the "Well, how come she's not royalty?" rant There's very few princesses in Disney's history reguardless of how popular the six they promote are. |
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APK Sinister Snack Fairy
Joined: 06 Sep 2005 Posts: 1322 Location: Lost
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:26 pm Post subject: |
That was funny what your cousin said. Although I admit it's racist and I probably would've thrown a pencil at him too. I wonder what Jasmine's "secret" race is....since she has a tiger.  |
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AladdinFan92 Sultan

Joined: 26 Feb 2006 Posts: 305 Location: the Magic Carpet (I wish)
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:53 pm Post subject: |
APK wrote: |
This reminds me of another thread on AC about something on Oprah's magazine. Didn't we email them? Did they ever reply? |
*raises hand* Yet another rant I started. I don't recall if anyone sent an e-mail,though. I know i didn't. I actually don't have an address--postal or otherwise. _________________
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AladdinsGenie Genie of the Messageboard

Joined: 17 Jul 2004 Posts: 11874 Location: Tennessee
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:55 pm Post subject: |
He had me rolling at "honoring him for Black History Month"  |
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APK Sinister Snack Fairy
Joined: 06 Sep 2005 Posts: 1322 Location: Lost
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:59 pm Post subject: |
AladdinFan92 wrote: |
APK wrote: |
This reminds me of another thread on AC about something on Oprah's magazine. Didn't we email them? Did they ever reply? |
*raises hand* Yet another rant I started. I don't recall if anyone sent an e-mail,though. I know i didn't. I actually don't have an address--postal or otherwise. |
Hmmm....do you think it would be too late to email O Magazine now? We could email the people who wrote today's article. Does anyone know the address? |
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Syera Cynical Scribe

Joined: 03 Jul 2005 Posts: 3441 Location: West Nenūvān
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:10 pm Post subject: |
APK wrote: |
I'm glad there isn't a black princess yet (although everyone forgets Kida) because when they do a black princess, I want it to be because they were inspired by a great story and not because they felt they had to be "politically correct." Whenever soemone does a story with other intentions other than telling a good story, the story ends up like crap. Besides, I'd want it to be in 2D. |
I agree - doing it for the sake of political correctness would be a pretty crappy reason. Myself, I'd like to see a black princess just because it would be different.
I'm not African, so I can't really give you much of an opinion from an African's point of view... but I can say this - the Disney 'princess' I identify the most with is Mulan. Now, I'm European with blond hair, blue eyes, and skin white enough to be considered Arctic camo. I believe it's not so important that the girls identify with the characters' races, but rather the characters' personalities and ambitions.
...But I would like to see a black princess for the variety.  _________________
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AmethystFae Portland Princess

Joined: 18 Dec 2005 Posts: 837 Location: Portland, OR
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:50 pm Post subject: |
When I started reading the article, I thought, "Hasn't Disney come a long way with Jasmine, Pocahontas, and Mulan?" But apparently that's not good enough for some people. Did it ever occur to them that Disney just didn't get around to coming up with a black princess, and probably for the reasons mentioned?
I know there's African tales out there. It wouldn't take me long to find some, since I have two or three fairy tale sites bookmarked. However, I don't think I've ever read an African tale with royalty in it, and that could be because the African government isn't a monarchy.
Besides, as mentioned, Disney does have African-American (black) characters. They're strewn throughout the Aladdin movies and series, there's the Muses from Hercules, the crows from Dumbo (which I thought were awesome, racial stereotype or not.) and there's also The Proud Family. I don't like the show, but it's there, and people seem to forget.
I think these parents of black children are going about the whole issue all wrong. Probably without knowing it, they are telling their kids, "You have to be a princess to be loved." Princesses are great, but a girl can be just as appreciated without the royal bloodline. Supposing I were black, and had a daughter who asked me, "Mommy, why isn't there a black Disney princess?" I'd be more inclined to explain the different cultures than to be all, "Because Disney's racist."
Oh, yeah. And about the needing to be rescued thing? Shut the hell up! Jasmine has come through for Aladdin probably about as much as he's come through for her, Belle was the one who did the rescuing in Beauty & the Beast, Ariel saved her prince from drowning, Prince Phillip got mucho help from the three fairies, and as was mentioned probably in more thread than one, all the Disney princesses have strong characters for different reasons. I won't get into my "you have to bust balls to be a strong female" rant, as I'm sure I've gone off on that tangent before.
I swear! Some people are just never satisfied.
~Hikaru _________________ "HARDER, FASTER, DEEPER. . . HUH!!!!!!!" |
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AladdinFan92 Sultan

Joined: 26 Feb 2006 Posts: 305 Location: the Magic Carpet (I wish)
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Iago Ghost Hunter

Joined: 12 Dec 2004 Posts: 7324 Location: Los Angeles, California,USA,Earth
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:38 pm Post subject: |
Yeah, you people have covered pretty much anything I was gonna say
IMHO I think people should just let it go, the princesses are what they are, there's no need to discuss some of this because it sort of is "undiscussable" because everyone has different political views on it and are biased at times because of their race and such. ex. certain catholics saying you can't have abortion because it goes against gods rule. um hello, can't use it because not everyone has the same religion but I digress even if it was an example. it's fine to have your own opinion but using stuff like that is never going to get anyone anywhere in discussions. When I read the article, I really think stuff like "ZOMG NO BLACK PRINCESSES!!1one!" isn't really worth the time that is being invested in it. So there is no Black disney princess, that's life. If there was one then great let's support that princess as well! I'm hispanic (south america) and you don't see me getting all huffy about not having a hispanic princess *shrug* _________________
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AladdinFan92 Sultan

Joined: 26 Feb 2006 Posts: 305 Location: the Magic Carpet (I wish)
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:42 pm Post subject: |
I agree,Billy Joe. Like I said,I'm black,and not having a black princess didn't bother me.
If u ask me,if u want more "ethnic" versions of these stories,watch Happily Ever After,Fairy Tales For Every Child. It has a Chinese TLM,a black Jack and the Beanstalk,a Hispanic Cinderella,and so on. _________________
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