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What Episode Is The....
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:07 am    Post subject: What Episode Is The.... Reply with quote

I'm bored; can't you tell? Laughing

Random Series Episode Questionnaire!

What Episode Is The...



Most Boring?



Worst Ever?

Most Pointless?

One You've Seen Too Many Times And Don't Want To Again?

My answers...

Funniest-Dune Quixote: You can't go wrong with having the main character think he's a dragonslayer equipt with nothing but a pot and laddle to fight the evil robotic dragon Laughing

Saddest-Eye of the Beholder makes me sad although it creeps me out a little. She just wanted to be prettyful for Aladdin!

Most Boring-Snowman Is An Island: As a Genie fan, I have to say this episode insults me Laughing. I know what they were trying to do, but I honestly can't watch this past a certain point cause they lose me about five minutes in. Genie was super obnoxious for the sake of plot, not to mention I hate Lord Poptart Yeti from the commercials Laughing

Weirdest-Heads, You Laughing The whole time I am watching this, I just stare at the screen. This episode is sooooo weird. Al's head + his body=OTP. They should always be together and not physically seperated, mmkay?

Scariest-The Hunted: Just for the first half, though. I'd *hate* to be in that situation of being hunted Laughing. Full episode scariness goes to The Lost Ones, though. Even the idea of El Katib is scary.

Worst Ever-Beast or Famine: I hate maybe a handful of episodes, but this one is just super ugh. I hate the Shaman so much. I hate this episode. Just...lots of hate.

Most Pointless-Animal Kingdom: Really--what was the point of this other than making Star Trek fans giggle? Laughing The same thing goes for Of Ice and Men--just....why?

One You've Seen Too Many Times And Don't Want To Again-The Game: Toon Disney must have played this at least once a week back when I was recording the series. It drove me up the wall.
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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't seen all eps yet, but here we go anyway.

Funniest -- A Clockwork Hero. I love Mechanikles on parenting mode and Iago's mocking of Waheed cracks me up every time. It's probably due to me being the ultimate Mechy fangirl, but the moment when he thinks Junior is making friends with Aladdin is what I consider to be the funniest moment in the series.

Saddest -- Garden of Evil. What happened to Arbutus was really sad. I mean, he wasn't technically evil and yet he was destroyed by the hero. I was surprised to see that in a Disney series.

Most Boring -- Elemental, My Dear Jasmine. This one bores me to tears every time I have to watch it. Saleen is annoying and I couldn't care less about yet another "someone wants Aladdin" episode.

Weirdest -- Poor Iago. Just what the heck is this? Laughing It was so weird that I couldn't finish watching it.

Scariest -- The Lost Ones. The basic plot is interesting and the flashback with Aladdin's friend spooked me. He just disappeared for years. Since I didn't know about the El Katib at that point, I was really worried about what had happened to him during that time.

Worst Ever -- I haven't seen a particularly bad episode yet, but I'll say The Love Bug just for the sake of it. An otherwise decent episode ruined by a ridiculous termite armour that's too obscure even by the normal standards of Mechanikles' inventions.

Most Pointless -- Do the Rat Thing. This may be funny, but it's still really pointless. If it was a fanfic, I'd call it the ultimate crack story.

One You've Seen Too Many Times And Don't Want To Again -- The Citadel. No more, please! I've had it with this one!

May I add another category?

Most Disappointing -- Lost and Founded. Such a great idea, but I hated that Abnor Mal went along with Abis Mal's evil plans. I would have loved to see him as a good guy, team up with Aladdin and fight against Abis Mal. The episode could have ended with him saying "Boy, are the future generations going to get screwed up or what." I guess I didn't like the implication that everyone is the same in the Mal family. As if evilness was in the genes or something.
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Vizier's Handmaiden

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would vote "Two to Tangle" as both my weirdest and saddest episode. I used to be in love with Mozenrath and I felt so sorry for him...
As for the other categories? I'll have to think. I haven't seen many episodes recently.
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 9:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Most disappointing for me was "Much Abu About Something". He finally gets an episode and it's crappy Laughing
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Funniest: Stinkerbelle. No, really! At least, it's the one I remember laughing out loud to the most, but that might be partially to do with the fact that I hadn't seen it in awhile and forgot most of the jokes. ^^

Saddest: Garden of Evil, for the reasons everyone else said. The part in The Prophet Motive when they think Al's dead always gets me, too.

Most Boring: Love at First Sprite. All those scenes of the gang frolicing with the sprites put me to sleep. Snowman is an Island would probably be next followed by (please don't kill me!) The Ethereal. It was a good story but it only really took about ten minutes to tell; they had too much filler in it to pad it out to twenty minutes.

Weirdest: Poor Iago. I love it to death but the first time I saw it I was just like, "WTF?!" Laughing

Scariest: The Lost Ones, followed by The Hunted.

BTW, I was looking at the Disney Princess DVDs on Amazon the other day (long story) and the one they were complaining was way too scary for kids was Eye of the Beholder. This one mom was like, "I know it's trying to teach them to accept anyone despite their looks but couldn't they have made her less scary looking?" and didn't realize the irony of that statement at all. Rolling Eyes

Worst Ever: Tough one; probably "Snowman is an Island".

Most Pointless: "Snowman is an Island", definitely. Hard to describe exactly why this is but, just, ugh, I hate it. Laughing

One You've Seen Too Many Times And Don't Want To Again: Garden of Evil. It used to be one of my favorites so I watched it over and over.

On the other hand, the one I could watch over and over again would probably be Forget Me Lots. I've seen it more than GoE but haven't got sick of it for some reason. Laughing
"If only I could believe you. Perhaps I can! After all... you do bear the name of a flower." -- Arbutus
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Calluna wrote:
Funniest: Stinkerbelle. No, really! At least, it's the one I remember laughing out loud to the most, but that might be partially to do with the fact that I hadn't seen it in awhile and forgot most of the jokes.

The Aladdin/Brawnhila interaction in that one cracks me up. "Do NOT help me!!" "Nooooo! Really! I'm fine!!" Laughing

And you know, I really don't care much for the Ethereal either. Probably because she's being all cryptic the whole time and Jasmine ends up having to die just so the thing can be like "Yeah, I see she loves the people. You're spared." WTF?
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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like this


Seven Faces of Genie


The Day The Bird Stood Still

Most Boring?

Animal Kingdom


Sneeze The Day


Eye Of The Beholder

Worst Ever?

Caught By The Tale

Most Pointless?

Animal Kingdom
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Lovesick Demented Reject

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Calluna wrote:
BTW, I was looking at the Disney Princess DVDs on Amazon the other day (long story) and the one they were complaining was way too scary for kids was Eye of the Beholder. This one mom was like, "I know it's trying to teach them to accept anyone despite their looks but couldn't they have made her less scary looking?" and didn't realize the irony of that statement at all. Rolling Eyes

Eye of the beholder was my favorite episode because of the sacrifice Aladdin did. My little godson watched it with me and he was practically hiding behind the couch because Jasmine and Aladdin turned into snakes.

Uh, I will have to think about it cause i just remember the storylines not the titles to the episodes. I will be like saying " it's that episode when -" girl
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Scourge of the Desert

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What Episode Is The...


*thinks* I may have to agree with the one of AG's answers that I read before hitting 'reply' and say 'Dune Quixote;' I love the scene where Genie gives a list of ways to break the spell on Aladdin.

Saddest? Hmm...I thought "The Lost Ones" was kind of bittersweet, and "Garden of Evil," too; it wasn't cut-and-dry good-vs.-evil, despite the title. "The Ethereal," "Bad Mood Rising," and "Eye of the Beholder" are all ones I think seem very sad in parts (my heart tends to break for Aladdin), but they end happily.

Most Boring? ...I don't really know.

Weirdest? "Heads, You Lose;" headless Aladdin and the headless villain were both just bizarre and rather disturbing. "Much Abu About Something" and "The Animal Kingdom" are pretty out there too....dinosaurs and talking kangaroos seem out of place in the Aladdin-verse. Oh, let's add "Never Say Nefir" to this category too. But top 'honors' go to "Heads, You Lose."

Scariest? I can't remember any episodes scaring me. At the moment. Wink

Worst Ever? "DO THE RAT THING." Awful, awful, awful; terrible character writing on everyone but Iago, stupid plotline...hate it.

Most Pointless? See above.

One You've Seen Too Many Times And Don't Want To Again? See above. Though I still remember "Getting the Bugs Out," "Fowl Weather," and "Mudder's Day" being on 2 or 3 weeks in a row each when the show was on Disney Channel on Saturday mornings. Sometimes I still think I've seen "Bugs" more than enough because of that, so I'll pick that one. But if it was on TV now, I know I WOULD watch it because it's not the worst episode; not one of my favorites or least favorites, just sort of there.
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Scourge of the Desert

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Calluna wrote:
This one mom was like, "I know it's trying to teach them to accept anyone despite their looks but couldn't they have made her less scary looking?" and didn't realize the irony of that statement at all. Rolling Eyes

I read that too; I sort of want to buy that DVD because I love that episode, but I really can't justify $15 for 1 Aladdin episode, 1 Little Mermaid episode, and some sickening 'lets destroy the characterization of the princess' fluff 'bonus' stuff. That mom missed the point completely.

Mariposa79 wrote:
Eye of the beholder was my favorite episode because of the sacrifice Aladdin did.

I second that; I'm a sucker for that stuff. I still cry just about every time that I watch it, which is probably a little sad, but I just love it. I love the scene with Jasmine and Abu at the water, and everything from the time that Jasmine nearly poisons Aladdin until the end is, I still think that this is one of the most romantic things I've ever seen.
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Spartan Girl
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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Funniest: Dune Quixote, without a doubt. It was even funnier when I actually read "Don Quixote" so then I could get the joke Very Happy

Scariest: Eye of the Beholder. Whether it was the part where Aladdin accidentally got poisoned or when he and Jasmine turned into snakes that got me, this was the episode that freaked me out the most as a kid.

Saddest: I don't know about this one

Weirdest: Poor Iago. Don't get me wrong, it was funny, but his mood swing from "Greed is right!" to "Steal from the Rich to Give to the Poor" was a little OOC.

Boring: ??? I don't remember seeing an episode that I thought was boring.

Worst Ever: Do the Rat Thing. I thought Jasmine figured out there were poor people in the first movie, for goodness sake! And I agree with the past posts about this episode that claim she acted way too hormonal at the end.

Pointless: Shark Treatment, or whatever the other episode with Selene was. It was cool seeing Aladdin as a shark though.

The one of seen so many times I get sick of it: I don't have Toon Disney, but the one I remember seeing the most on the Disney Channel was Forget Me Lots.

Saddest: The Prophet Motive. Yeah, I knew that Aladdin wouldn't really die because that would mean the end of the series, but still, the part where everyone thinks he was dead was sad. If I were Jasmine at the part where you find out he was faking it, I wouldn't know whether to kill him or to kiss him!

Actually I was expecting a make out scene at the end after that display. I know they were fighting the giant cyclops, but don't they always find some way to cuddle in the face of danger? Laughing

*cough cough*And I always kind of like seeing Aladdin hurt. It's kind of hot*cough cough* Embarassed
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Genie of the Messageboard

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PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Spartan Girl wrote:
*cough cough*And I always kind of like seeing Aladdin hurt. It's kind of hot*cough cough* Embarassed

*cough It is hot, isn't it? Laughing cough*
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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:03 am    Post subject: Re: What Episode Is The.... Reply with quote

AladdinsGenie wrote:

Al's head + his body=OTP. They should always be together and not physically seperated, mmkay?

You calling them OTP just gave me a really weird idea. Aladdin could give himself a... you know. Shocked
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Cynical Scribe

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You didn't have to post that, you know.

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Syera wrote:
You didn't have to post that, you know.

I know, but I enjoy spreading horror. Wink
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