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zitagirl |
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:35 am Post subject: |
AladdinsGenie wrote: |
I mean, you guys have known each other for 5-10 years. It's about time!
You'll make it work though. It seems you have everything else. |
I hope you are right. Admittedly this is quite new to me as I have never dated before (a mix of things for why I never did as I realised later on) and I'm still quite nervous and fear I may not be good enough for him. |
AladdinsGenie |
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 8:57 pm Post subject: |
I mean, you guys have known each other for 5-10 years. It's about time!
You'll make it work though. It seems you have everything else. |
zitagirl |
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:36 am Post subject: |
Not sure where else to talk about it, but might as well do it here.
So I did mention how I developed feelings for a guy I have known for quite along time now. Welp, seems like we are finally progressing.
We chatted quite a bit yesterday (he was in night shift and luckily he didn't have much actual work, so he rather talked with me) and after we mentioned our birthday and how he's getting close to being 30, he mentioned how maybe he should try on me and actually date much to my shock.
I didn1t want to be pushy, let alone make him feel like he has to, so I kept myself from telling him how I truly feel about him so instead after the brief discuss (such as asking if we could truly work together and how we both quite a bit inexperienced in dating actually) I told him to bring this topic back when he's not tired and all and only IF he's okay with it. As much as I would like to be with him, his happiness is just as important to me and rather avoid making him feel bad and uncomfortable.
After this we mostly started to nostalgia-talking, thinking about past stuff and how we first met and all. He then teased me how that forum could be a dating website in a sense (referring to the date topic) before telling me that I should rest now as he didn't want me to be in a bad mood and all(it was 4 am and we've been talking for like...5 hours at least that day).
To say I'm overwhelmed by emotions would be an understatement. I'm still shaking quite a bit. I won1t push the topic on him further (again, don1t want to make him feel awkward and all), but I do hope this will work out. |
AladdinsGenie |
Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:36 pm Post subject: |
I bet he's waiting the same as you for a sign. |
zitagirl |
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:20 am Post subject: |
Meesh wrote: |
Godspeed there, ZitaGirl! Let us know if it works out  |
I wouldn't call it godspeed. I first met him almost a decade ago(we first met on an anime forum) and re-met like 4 years ago and we started to get closer and getting to know each other a lot better and what can I say it just kicked in for me. Guess it helped that we overall have similar interests (we are both Whovians, really like Bleach and anime in general) and just love to tease the hell out of each other (seriously the amount of times he teased me with Genie related stuff for example is way too many to count) and we overall deeply trust each other, almost always asks the other's opinions on many stuff. He's also quite sweet, albeit can be quite silly and goofy at times.
Atm though, I'm just being patient and see if he feels similarly. I rather be in a relationship we both would want and not rush it and make things bad. |
Meesh |
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:10 pm Post subject: |
Godspeed there, ZitaGirl! Let us know if it works out  |
zitagirl |
Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:19 pm Post subject: |
We are slowly getting the vaccine too, although I will probably in the last bunch of people getting it. Other than that not much to say really. Just glad I have a very good friend to talk with regularly, even if since last year my feelings for him certainly not just one for a friend. |
Dark Rose |
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:38 pm Post subject: |
Meesh wrote: |
I'm not really immersed in the art world, but I feel like if somebody is open for commissions and you are willing to pay them their rate, they're not likely to turn down your money  |
It's actually a plush I want and not art. I think I mentioned this sort of thing before with wanting a certain Genie plush that doesn't exist a while back but I couldn't find anyone to do the reference sheet. |
Meesh |
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:34 pm Post subject: |
I'm not really immersed in the art world, but I feel like if somebody is open for commissions and you are willing to pay them their rate, they're not likely to turn down your money  |
Dark Rose |
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:06 am Post subject: |
Anxiety levels are higher, mostly about becoming 18 this May. I'm currently in another fandom for a show that has been discontinued for years and never had merchandise (as well as a movie with a character that apparently looks like my favorite in said show) and I want to commission something, problem is it's an actual toddler show and I'm afraid of being denied it. |
Meesh |
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:32 pm Post subject: |
January set the bar pretty low, but things do seem to be less tense overall, and the vaccine is rolling out. I might make the cut in March since I'm a teacher. *fingers crossed* Here's also praying the new strains don't eff it all up. |
AladdinsGenie |
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:41 pm Post subject: |
February is going better than January but I'm starting to get suspicious
Waiting to get this vaccine so I can get on with my life without being nervous. |
Meesh |
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 3:48 pm Post subject: |
Rough first week of 2021, at least in America for sure. Things in my politically split family are more tense than ever. Everybody else hangin in there? |
Meesh |
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:27 pm Post subject: |
Life is actually really great right now. We bought a house and moved in right before Thanksgiving! It's very small and super cute.
I've got some fresh antibodies, so I plan on seeing my family for the first time in over a year and going wedding dress shopping this month!
How about you? |
AladdinsGenie |
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:00 am Post subject: Post 2020 |
How was everyone's holiday season? Is the new year treating you any better yet?  |