The Hunted Copyright Disney 1995 Transcribed by Reenie and Heather Burk -------------------------------------- FADE TO: EXT. - AGRABAH - THE MARKETPLACE - SUNSET PAN - Merchants are closing up shop for the night. OMAR, a fruit merchant, loads up a cart with fruit, humming to himself. IAGO and ABU stick their heads out of a barrel. IAGO See? What did I tell ya? Lots of leftover fruit! ABU I don't know... IAGO What? This isn't stealing! It's surplus inventory reduction. Now get goin'! He shoves him towards the fruit. IAGO (cont'd) And don't bring back any prunes! Abu creeps towards Omar's cart. A dark figure watches the scene, and makes a hissing noise. Abu starts to steal some APPLES. IAGO (cont'd) Come on, monkey! I'm starving! Abu starts to run back to Iago carrying two apples, but something swoops down and takes him, and the apples fall to the ground. Omar turns around. OMAR (gasps) My apples! IAGO My monkey! He looks up to see a pair of glowing yellow eyes, gasps, and starts to back away; he then flies away past Omar, screaming. Omar bites his nails nervously, then runs away with his cart. OMAR Help! He runs back for the two apples, then runs away again. The figure looks around the corner and hisses; its yellow eyes glow... DISSOLVE TO: INT. - ALADDIN'S HOVEL - SUNSET GENIE and CARPET are playing a board game; each have only one piece left. Carpet is about to roll some DICE. GENIE You're going to attack my Babylonian fortress? Ah, I'm going to lose again! Oh, it all comes down to this! All is lost! This is it! The end of the line! He covers his eyes. Carpet rolls the dice; they come up snake eyes. GENIE (cont'd) (looks at dice) What do you know--I won. I actually won! He laughs happily, then moves his piece to knock Carpet's off the board; he makes an easy chair appear underneath him and changes into a robe. GENIE So, my good fellow, how does it feel to be the...loser! Loser, loser, loser! Carpet sticks out a tassel to shake hands. GENIE That's it? Not even a pout? At least act disappointed! You're ruining my gloat, here! If there's anything I hate, it's a smug rug. Carpet walks over to Genie and pats him on the shoulder. JASMINE and ALADDIN, meanwhile, have just hung some curtains. JASMINE There, I think it adds a little warmth to the old place. No holes. IAGO flies straight through the curtains, ripping a hole in them, screaming. He turns around and flies straight into Aladdin IAGO Monkey! Monster! Gone! He points outside. ALADDIN Whoa, slow down. Hey, where's Abu? IAGO (slowly) Monkey...Monster...Gone! JASMINE (disbelieving) A monster took Abu? IAGO A big one! With yellow eyes! GENIE Are you sure this alleged "monster" wasn't a disgruntled merchant who pinched the monkey for shoplifting? IAGO No, no, it - it wasn't like that at all. He looks at Aladdin, then Jasmine. IAGO (cont'd) All right, okay, it was a little like that... ALADDIN Come on, let's go find Abu. They all exit. IAGO But there was a monster! A big, sweaty, ferocious-smelling - ah, don't get me started... CUT TO: EXT. - AGRABAH - NIGHT ALL are searching for ABU. ALADDIN Well, he's not here. IAGO Has there been a sudden outbreak of hearing loss? A monster got Abu! Something whooshes past them. ALADDIN What was that? He and JASMINE hold each other nervously. GENIE Maybe the parrot was right. JASMINE I've got a bad feeling about this... GENIE turns into a camp counselor. GENIE All right, campers, time for the buddy system! Everybody pair off. He puts Aladdin and Jasmine together. GENIE (cont'd) Humans together. Stand up straight. He next puts Iago on Carpet. GENIE (cont'd) Flying persons, watch your flaps. And I'll pair off with, uh, robot pal, Rusty! He makes a robot appear which looks like the one from "Lost in Space." RUSTY rolls around, flapping its arms. RUSTY Danger! Danger, Genie Robinson, danger! Run for my life! Danger! Mommy! Mommy! Rusty rolls away. GENIE Uh, I guess Rusty wasn't built with a backbone circuit. Aladdin starts walking. ALADDIN All right, everybody, stay close. And if you see anything - Suddenly, Iago yells and hits the ground - Carpet is gone! ALADDIN Carpet! JASMINE What happened? IAGO (cough) The rug was under me, and then, bam! I'm gargling gravel! (spits) There is a hissing sound. Everyone looks around. GENIE Okay, here's the! Aladdin, Jasmine, and Genie run away. IAGO Hey, that plan is my intellectual property! He starts to fly after the others, but is way behind; he looks behind and sees glowing eyes. IAGO (cont'd) It's following us! Oh! The figure appears in an alley farther along. IAGO (cont'd) Ah! Ah! Oh! Ah! The figure continues to follow them. IAGO (cont'd) Ooh! Eek! Ah! Oh! Oh! Eek! Ah! Oh! He lands on a windowsill and sighs in relief. IAGO (cont'd) Ah, lost it. There is a hissing sound, and he sees the yellow eyes behind him. IAGO (cont'd) Aaaaahhhhh! The others run back towards Iago, but all that is left are some feathers on the ground. ALADDIN Iago! Huh? Jasmine gasps; Genie picks up a feather. GENIE Uh, maybe he was molting. JASMINE Let's get off the street. Genie turns into a trampoline, and Aladdin and Jasmine jump on him and land on the roof. Genie transports himself to the roof as well. There is a hissing sound. GENIE This way! The three run, and jump over to another rooftop. As Jasmine is jumping, something reaches up and grabs her ankle. She screams. JASMINE Aladdin! Aladdin grabs Jasmine's hands, but she is being pulled down. He loses grip on one of her hands. ALADDIN Hold on! Genie, now wearing SHORTS, a Rugby SHIRT, and SNEAKERS, pulls Aladdin up by his legs. GENIE Don't worry, Al. I was the anchorman for the Memblos Ha-Ha's Imperial Tug of War. If I remember right - ooh, we lost. ALADDIN (being dragged down) Uh, uh - not what I needed to hear, Genie. JASMINE I'm slipping! Aladdin! Aladdin loses grip on Jasmine's other hand, and she screams as she is pulled down. Genie falls backwards; Aladdin jumps down after Jasmine. ALADDIN Jasmine! He bounces off the canopy of a shop and lands on the street; Genie appears next to him as PLUTO the dog. Genie: (sniffs ground) Sorry, Al. There's no trace of her. ALADDIN (sadly) Jasmine. No. Genie turns into an FBI AGENT. GENIE I'm placing you in the Hero Protection Program. Genie carries Aladdin into a building; other Genie agents appear and board up the windows; he hands Aladdin some PAPERS and pulls out a lantern. GENIE (cont'd) This is your dossier. Study it, memorize it, and destroy it. Aladdin pulls out a paper and looks at it - it is a picture of him wearing glasses and a fake moustache. GENIE (cont'd) Your new moniker is Peewee Peterson, but you also answer to Sluggo. Just to be sure you go nowhere without me... He handcuffs Aladdin to himself. ANOTHER GENIE The area is secure, sir. GENIE Roger that. I'll keep an eye on Peewee. Head out. The others march away; Genie changes back to normal. GENIE (cont'd) Yep, that monster's gonna get a semi- phenomenal, nearly cosmic migraine if he lays a hand on my pal Al. ALADDIN Genie, I can't stay in here. I've got to find Jas - Suddenly, Aladdin is pulled up by something. ALADDIN (cont'd) - mine! The lantern falls to the floor, breaks, and goes out. GENIE Al? ...Al? He turns on a flashlight. GENIE (cont'd) I must warn you, I have a bunny with me! A bunny with big, sharp teeth! The "bunny" growls. GENIE (cont'd) A saber tooth, flesh eating bunny! Whoo, it's scary... The "bunny" looks at him. GENIE (cont'd) Ah! Perhaps a little too scary... Hmm, nobody here; must have been frightened off by my bunny beast. The MUKTAAR enters behind him. Genie turns around, and screams when he sees him. GENIE (cont'd) The Muktaar! The flashlight goes off. GENIE (cont'd) Please don't make me a slave again. I don't like it. Muktaar lights a torch. MUKTAAR I have not returned to make you a slave, Genie. GENIE Uh - really? Great. Heh, well, nice seeing ya. He shakes Muktaar's hand. GENIE (cont'd) Stay spooky babe. MUKTAAR I need you to help me. GENIE Help you? Why should I help you, a sworn enemy of genies? MUKTAAR Because... I have your friends... He holds up a gold MEDALLION - Aladdin and rest of the gang are visible inside. Genie gasps. MUKTAAR (cont'd) You will help me or I will destroy them... GENIE What could a genie possibly do to help a Muktaar? From off screen, there is a groan, followed by a green hand smashing through the boarded up window. Genie gasps again. MUKTAAR (frightened) They found me! MAMLUKS enter. GENIE The shambling mamluks of Mozenrath! ...If Mozenrath is involved, it's got to be bad! The mamluks attack. GENIE (cont'd) And this is bad! He changes into a bodybuilder. GENIE (cont'd) Boy, you guys need some muscle tone. What are you, girly ghouls? First, we're gonna tighten up those old trapezoids. He forces a mamluk onto an exercise rack, which immediately pulls apart its arms. GENIE (cont'd) Don't push to it, work up to it... These'll shape up the old jelly-bellies! He puts two more mamluks on various other forms of exercise equipment. GENIE (cont'd) Hmm, exercise alone won't do it, guys. You need the cornerstone of health-a good balanced diet! Or you'll just fall apart! A mamluk falls apart, its head joining a large pile of even more mamluk parts. Genie, back to normal, slaps the Muktaar on the shoulder. GENIE (cont'd) Whoo! That's showing them, Muk! Muktaar flips Genie down to the ground. GENIE (cont'd) Oh, right, I forgot. We hate each other. MUKTAAR (walking away) Mozenrath has hunted me for many months... GENIE (follows) Why would the wizard want you? CUT TO: EXT. - AGRABAH - NIGHT MUKTAAR Because I can sense magic. GENIE Oh, I see! He wants to use you as a magic detector! MUKTAAR You have defeated Mozenrath before. Now you will help me do the same. GENIE Alright... But why kidnap my friends? You could have just asked for help. MUKTAAR We are not friends, genie. You would not help a Muktaar. GENIE Why sure I would! He grins - after a moment, his teeth fall out one by one. GENIE (cont'd) Ok, so maybe I wouldn't. MUKTAAR As I thought. He starts walking away again. MUKTAAR (cont'd) Come. Time is of the essence. GENIE Alright, if it'll get my friends back... So, where do we start? DISSOLVE TO: EXT. - THE CITADEL - NIGHT MUKTAAR (V.O.) We start at the heart of evil. Mozenrath's kingdom - the Land of Black Sand... FADE TO BLACK FADE TO: EXT. - THE CITADEL - NIGHT PAN from TOWER to BRIDGE. MUKTAAR appears, knocking together two MAMLUKS who are patrolling the area. MUKTAAR The way is clear. GENIE, who is now is a Swiss mountain climbing costume, throws a rope up, and climbs it. GENIE You know, mountain climbing always puts me in the mood for hot cocoa. MUKTAAR No time for genie nonsense. GENIE There's always time for cocoa! They cross to the Citadel. Muktaar pushes open the doors. CUT TO: INT. - CITADEL - NIGHT MUKTAAR Mozenrath's lair. Now our battle starts! They make their way through the halls of the Citadel, sneaking past Mamluks. At one point, they sneak around and hide behind a corner. MUKTAAR (cont'd) Danger lurks around every corner. An enchanted place is this. GENIE How is it that you know so much about this place? MUKTAAR I was a prisoner here... GENIE Oh, I've been here more times that I care to remember. It seems like Mozenrath is always finding a way to drag me here. MUKTAAR (sniffs air) I smell something magical... Something powerful... GENIE I bet it's the teen potentate with the megalomaniacal disposition! He changes into combat gear. GENIE (cont'd) Let's make his day. Genie rushes towards the door, but Muktaar bars his way. MUKTAAR Hold! Genie is unable to stop in time, and they fall through the door to... CUT TO: INT. - CITADEL - ROOM WITH PLANTS - NIGHT Genie and Muktaar look up in surprise to see a very large MEAT-EATING PLANT. The Plant immediately grasps Muktaar with one of its writhing vines; Genie is able to escape it by ducking behind a column by the door. In terror, Muktaar unsheathes his sword, and slashes at the Plant, but to little avail. Instead, his bag falls off him and slides towards Genie. The MEDALLION that is holding THE GANG falls out of it, and Genie picks it up. GENIE Don't worry, Al, I'll find a way to get you out of there! Genie puts the medallion back in the bag, and runs with it into the HALL. Meanwhile, back in the ROOM, Muktaar is still battling with the Plant as it brings him closer and closer to his mouth. Genie can hear this struggle in the hall, and he pauses. GENIE (cont'd) Sorry guys. The Muktaar may be my sworn enemy... Oh... He glances back into the room. Muktaar is even closer to being eaten. CU - Genie reappears in the door, still in combat gear, a WEED-WHACKER in hand. GENIE (cont'd) Eat this, fireweed of doom! He runs to the Plant, savagely hacking off its vines until all that is left is the Plant's stub, as Muktaar falls from its grasp. Once the Plant is no more, Genie turns to face Muktaar, changing into a kimono and holding up a pot with normal sized Venus fly traps. GENIE (cont'd) One Bonzai man-eating snapper plant, just takes a little trimming. He winks. GENIE (cont'd) These guys are cute, but watch out, they still bite. CU of pot-Genie taps one on its head, and it bites his finger. He shakes it off. MUKTAAR (rising) You... You saved me... Genie changes to a superhero costume; light shines down on him. GENIE I had to! It's a good guy thing! Truth, justice, and saving people you may not like. MUKTAAR You could have escaped with your friends. GENIE Oh, it's in my nature. I help people - even you. Genie puts out a hand to help Muktaar up, but he doesn't take it. MUKTAAR This... was not expected. I owe you a debt of honor that I must repay. GENIE (laughs) Hey... Since we're all buddy-buddy-what with me saving you and all - how's about my pals? MUKTAAR We are not friends. He pushes Genie away, and picks up his fallen bag. MUKTAAR (cont'd) That is forbidden for our kind. Muktaar exits the room. GENIE I knew you'd say that. DISSOLVE TO: INT. - CITADEL - HALL - NIGHT PAN - two MAMLUKS, swords drawn, march through, passing a gold and blue Egyptian SARCOPHAGUS that looks familiar... They walk off screen. The Sarcophagus opens its eyes-it is indeed GENIE. GENIE OK, they're gone. He opens, and MUKTAAR peers out. MUKTAAR Excellent. Mozenrath is close... GENIE (normal) You think? MUKTAAR (sniffs air) Yes... They continue trough the halls until they approach a pair of larger doors. Muktaar kneels at their base. MUKTAAR (cont'd) His evil stench is strong... GENIE Right! He changes into a bull. GENIE (cont'd) This time for sure! He snorts, and then rushes the door. CU - Muktaar's eyes grow wide; with a sweep of his cape, he steps out of Genie's way at the last possible moment. CUT TO: INT. - CITADEL - ROOM - NIGHT GENIE enters; he gasps in surprise and changes back to normal as he sees the room holds... GENIE The Crystal of Ix! LS-the Crystal is in the center of the room, glowing red. A beam of light shoots from it and surrounds Genie. He screams as it pulls him towards it. He tries to resist, but cannot escape it. GENIE (cont'd) Muktaar, help me! MS of Muktaar watching in the doorway. He sweeps his cape again, and steps out of frame. MOZENRATH walks into the frame. CU - Mozenrath, Muktaar standing behind him. MUKTAAR I have delivered the genie, as promised... CU of Genie, still fighting the Crystal's pull. GENIE As promised?! MOZENRATH You want a genie? Hire a genie hunter! XERXES floats into the frame. XERXES (evil cackle) Muktaar trick Genie! GENIE No! The Crystal finally overcomes the Genie, and he is sucked inside... FADE TO BLACK FADE TO: INT. - CITADEL - ROOM - NIGHT MOZENRATH has now approached the CRYSTAL OF IX, followed by MUKTAAR and XERXES. GENIE grunts from inside. MOZENRATH Sure not to use any of traps on the genie? Not even the magic trapping bolas? MUKTAAR It was as agreed. MOZENRATH Good... I need his magic to be pure... Now, I could go into a long involved description about how the Crystal of Ix works, but in a nutshell- XERXES Crystal take Genie's power! Xerxes cackles. MOZENRATH I could've said it better myself, but... why bother? GENIE (to Muktaar) What about your debt of honor? You owe me! I saved your life! MOZENRATH What is he babbling about? MUKTAAR Genies are stupid. There is no such debt! He even believed his friends were still alive! GENIE Aladdin's dead? MOZENRATH (angry) I wanted to finish Aladdin! MUKTAAR He was dangerous. It was the only way. GENIE (sadly) Oh no... Mozenrath grabs Xerxes around his neck. MOZENRATH Aladdin was to have been mine! He throws Xerxes against a wall. MOZENRATH (cont'd) OK... OK... Let's look at the big picture - I have the genie, Aladdin's dead, and my plans for world conquest are shaping up nicely. All in all, it's been a good night. He reaches into his cape, takes out a pouch, and throws it to Muktaar. MOZENRATH (cont'd) You will find the sum we agreed upon, plus a bonus for your ruthlessness. GENIE (mocking Muktaar) I hope your consssscience lets you ssssleep, you sssnake! ELS - as Muktaar is leaving, he pauses at Genie's words, and then continues to exit. GENIE (cont'd) I could've run away, but no, I'm a good guy! MOZENRATH Now, my big blue friend, let's see how powerful you are! Genie gulps in fright. CUT TO: EXT. - DESERT - NIGHT MUKTAAR and his beast SAURUS stand on a dune, gazing at the CITADEL in BG. He turns away, slides off his beast, and takes the MEDALLION out of his bag. It glows - he opens it, and a beam of light shoots out. After the flash fades, ALADDIN, JASMINE, IAGO, CARPET, and ABU appear. ALADDIN Jasmine! You're OK! Aladdin and Jasmine embrace. Iago gasps, holding up some sand. IAGO We're in the Land of the Black Sand! JASMINE Aladdin, what happened? MUKTAAR Mozenrath offered a fair price for your Genie. You were in the way. Abu titters, and Iago hides behind him. IAGO The Muktaar! I told you it was a monster! JASMINE Then why let us go? MUKTAAR I owed the Genie a debt of honor. He will perish, but now his friends will live. He mounts his beast. ALADDIN We've got to go after Genie! MUKTAAR Risking your lives for a genie? Stupid! ALADDIN He's my friend. He'd do the same for me. MUKTAAR Do what you will. The genie is no longer my concern. Muktaar rides off. CUT TO: EXT. - CITADEL - NIGHT A beam of light shoots from the tower window, and we can hear MOZENRATH and GENIE within. MOZENRATH (V.O.) Tell me, Genie, does that hurt? CUT TO: INT. - CITADEL - ROOM - NIGHT MOZENRATH places a finger on the CRYSTAL. GENIE screams in pain. ELS - ALADDIN and CARPET appear in the tower window, seemingly unnoticed below. PAN to Mozenrath and Genie. MOZENRATH You know what your magic is good for, Genie? GENIE Fun at parties? Making toast? Getting rid of unwanted hair? MOZENRATH This! He turns, and throws BALL of magic at Aladdin and Carpet. They move out of the way in time, but the ball turns into a HAND and chases them. It grabs Carpet, and Aladdin falls off. ALADDIN Whoa! MOZENRATH Aladdin! I'm so pleased you're alive! ...For the moment. There is another blast from Mozenrath's gauntlet - this time it's a serpentine DRAGON that wraps itself around Aladdin. XERXES chuckles at this. XERXES Mozenrath beat Aladdin! Mozenrath puts his hand on the Crystal for more of Genie's power, grinning. Suddenly, JASMINE appears behind him - she kicks him, knocking him down. JASMINE Playtime's over! MOZENRATH Princesses should be seen and not heard. He wraps his hands around her ankles. She gasps as she's turned to stone. JASMINE (desperately) Aladdin! MOZENRATH I'm stopping good! Stone cold. IAGO (off screen) Reinforcements at twelve o'clock! IAGO flies in, carrying ABU. Xerxes grabs Abu, and Iago lands on the Crystal. Mozenrath seems stunned by this. IAGO (cont'd) OK, Mister Magic, let's see how you like it. He touches the Crystal, but it shocks him, throwing him to the ceiling. IAGO (cont'd) Had enough, smart guy? Meanwhile, Aladdin is struggling with the dragon. He reaches for a torch on the wall-when he gets a hold of it, he forces it into the dragon's mouth. ALADDIN (grunting) Chew this! The dragon lets go; he drops to the ground, and runs to tackle Mozenrath. They wrestle on the floor. ALADDIN (cont'd) No more Genie juice for you! MOZENRATH But I'm so thirsty! Mozenrath takes more of Genie's power, and blasts Aladdin away, wrapping him in magic CHAINS. MOZENRATH You know, I like being semi-phenomenal, nearly cosmic. ALADDIN (struggling) Don't get used to it! MOZENRATH I hate to burden you with reality, Aladdin, but you've run out of friends to save you! Suddenly, thrown from off camera, Mozenrath is caught in a pair of bolas. MOZENRATH (cont'd) What? PAN to the window - it's the Muktaar! MUKTAAR Still one left, Mozenrath! MOZENRATH You ungrateful snake! Mozenrath blasts a SWORD of magic towards Muktaar- but he unsheathes his own, knocking it away. The first sword falls to the Crystal, breaking it apart upon contact, freeing Genie. MOZENRATH (cont'd) No! GENIE Oh yeah! That hit the spot! (to Mozenrath) My magic was never meant to be used that away. It's in my contract. Genie changes to a FAERIE GODMOTHER. He zooms about, freeing Jasmine, Carpet, Iago, and Aladdin, respectively. Xerxes lets go of Abu in surprise, who immediately throws Xerxes against a wall in return. Mozenrath tries to use his gauntlet, but is shocked instead. MUKTAAR (to Genie) My magic trapping bolas. GENIE (to Mozenrath) Aw, does that hurt? It doesn't have to. Mozenrath passes out on the floor. ALADDIN Seems you're the one who's out of friends, Mozenrath. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. - DESERT - SUNRISE With the CITADEL in the BG, ALL are on a dune, gazing at it. GENIE gives a BOUQUET of flowers to MUKTAAR. GENIE Aw, that's for you, you big lug. ALADDIN Thanks, for saving us. MUKTAAR A friend was in mortal danger. He would do the same for me. GENIE Friend? You mean it? MUKTAAR Perhaps it is possible for a genie and a Muktaar to be friends... Genie changes into a KID. GENIE Cool! You can come over and read comic books and we'll go hunting crawdads down by the creek and we'll have a big sleepover and we'll be the bestest buddies ever! Muktaar throws Genie to the ground. MUKTAAR Beware, Genie... GENIE (normal) Hey pal, if you're even in trouble, this is one friend who'll be happy to help. He extends a hand and Muktaar shakes it. MUKTAAR Likewise. ZOOM OUT to ELS - ALL gaze out towards the rising sun. FADE TO BLACK