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A Mother's Love by Michelle Bowen
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Disclaimer, Moz, Destane, the songs and Xerxes are Disney’s Basimah isn't mine but a friends. None of the characters in this story are mine. This is a journey into the past, a past that is dark and unkind. Warning, Tissues may be needed if you cry easy if not you'll probably just feel bad for Basimah and Mozenrath. There were two songs both are on here that inspired this story also another story :) Well I'd like to thank my friends for this :) and my niece I used her for a model for baby Mozenrath.

A Mothers Love

Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you from,
All around you
I will be here
don't you cry

The young woman stumbled through the desert towards the land of the black sand, in her arms was a young baby boy. She smiled down at him, her dark hair blowing around her pale face, her deep brown eyes smiled down at him. The baby began to babble, causing his mother to smile even more. “Mozenrath you have to be a good little baby” she said covering him as sand was whipped up around them. The little baby looked up at her and smirked, “Oh you're going to be trying to get trouble going huh aren't you” she said cooing at him. Finally by night fall the Citadel was in sight, Basimah sighed and continued on she knew her brother wasn't going to like that she had come but she had nowhere else to go.

As she approached the massive door she inhaled deeply and then knocked. The door flew open quickly and Destane appeared before her, “What do you want?” he growled at his sister. “I need to stay here for a while” she said giving him a pleading look then revealing Mozenrath, “I have nowhere to go and he needs to be kept safe and warm.”
Basimah walked through the door the expression of shock on her brother's face was very alarming to her. “He has magic” Destane stated bluntly, “You may stay for now” he said clapping his hands and a mamluck came forward. “Show them to their room” he paused “Now”, the mamluck stepped towards Basimah and Mozenrath. The young mother stepped back slightly, then the mamluck turned and walked down a hallway. walked far behind him, “it'll be okay Mozenrath, sweetheart” she said softly and gently to the baby in her arms. The mamluck stopped before a door and gestured for her to enter, after walking into the room the door was shut behind her. Basimah looked around and then spotted a large bed, the rest of the room was bare of everything.

Later that night as Basimah sat in her room talking to Mozenrath, suddenly the door opened and Destane stepped through. “Basimah I don't know why you came here and I don't like that you did but you will be permitted to stay here for a short time enough to find a new home” he said turning and looking at Mozenrath. “Let me hold him for a minute” he said gruffly taking Mozenrath from his mother's hands, he examined the boy. The dark hair was much like his mother's and the eyes, even his mouth was similar, he noted some of Mozenrath’s differences from his mother. He was a strong willed little baby, “He will someday be a sorcerer” Destane said handing him back to his mother. Basimah looked at her brother “No he will not, he isn't going to be anything like you” she said holding Mozenrath closely to her cradling his head. Destane glared at his sister for the last remark and then stormed out of the room.

Basimah sang a lullaby to Mozenrath and watched as he drifted off to sleep, “don't you ever be hateful of anyone, its the wrong path Mozenrath” she said softly running her hand over his hair. Basimah fell asleep that night after making a small cradle for Mozenrath, the two stayed close the whole night.

Destane watched his sister and his young nephew sleeping peacefully, his gauntlet on his right hand glowed slightly. The boy will be my apprentice and will learn my ways regardless of what his mother says Destane thought darkly to himself then closed the door. He walked down the hallway, and slowly entered his room. After a few minutes of reading through spells he decided he was too tired to stay awake, he rubbed his eyes and then laid down and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning Destane awoke to a soft gentle voice, “Destane breakfast is ready” he heard his sister say. “I'll be there when I want to and no sooner” he growled no woman was going to tell him what to do. “You're getting up and you're getting up now” she said defiantly, pulling the covers off of him and staring down at him. He glared up at his sister, “Basimah this is my home not yours and I do what I want” he said pulling the covers back over him, only to have them ripped from him again. “Now” she said still glaring at him defiantly, he sighed and rolled over getting up he knew he wouldn't win.

Destane barely ate anything, after a few minutes he stood up “I'll be in my laboratory” he said walking away swiftly. Leaving his sister and Mozenrath behind, he stormed into the laboratory “She has to be so stubborn and defiant doesn't she, Xerxes.” He watched the young baby eel fly over to him, “mas.sster iss m.a..add” he asked. “Yes you stupid eel I am” he growled causing Xerxes to retreat. “That son of hers posses magic and I will train him with or without her consent” he continued while leafing through a few books.

Basimah watched her brother leave the room, she shook her head. “Your uncle is not a good man, I hate to say that about my own brother but he isn't” she said to her baby who smiled and giggled a little. “It's not that funny” she said laughing in turn, Mozenrath grabbed at his mother's hair and played with it. All the time making baby noises and talking softly with her, “aagghosssocghh” he said. “Oh is that so?” she asked him playfully, “Is that so?” she said again this time tickling her baby. Mozenrath rapped his arms around his tummy and giggled louder, “aagghoooo” he murmured again then he smiled at his mother.

“Basimah, I want to talk to you” Destane said calling his sister and her baby into the room, Basimah sat nearby. “What is it Destane?” she asked dreading what he would say they had been in the Citadel for a few months and Mozenrath had grown a lot. “How much longer will you be here?” he asked while reading through another book on magic. “I still have to find a home I was hoping that at least one of my brothers would let me in” she said looking at him. “You know I don't like being here any more than you want me to be here, but I must think of Mozenrath” she paused, “He’s just a baby and needs to be kept safe.” Basimah looked at her brother with pleading eyes. Destane paused for a moment and looked from the baby boy to his mother, “How old is he?” he asked curiously for the first time wanting to know more about his nephew. “A year tomorrow” Basimah said watching her brothers expressions, she knew he was up to something. “You may stay for a while longer another year or two” he said turning and leaving, as he left an evil smile came across his face soon the child could be without his mother.

The next morning Basimah made preparations for her son's first birthday, as she got everything ready she paused and thought for a moment. Only a year and a few months ago she had met the most wonderful man they had married and had a son, then a few months after Mozenrath was born his father had died. Basimah brushed a few tears from her face, how she missed him it hurt to think of him at times because of the loss. “Mozenrath I miss your father so much” she said to her little son who was carefully walking along the floor. “I wish you could have known him, I wish” she said her words trailed off as she finished the cake. “Destane we're ready” she called hoping her brother would join them in eating the cake even if it was very small since there were only three of them. Destane slowly emerged from his laboratory, if he was going to raise the boy regardless of his sisters say in it he should at least get Mozenrath to know him.

Basimah smiled finally her brother was coming around, “ready to sing happy birthday?” she asked him hoping he would. Destane shook his head and began to sing “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Mozenrath happy birthday to you” with his sister. Mozenrath smiled happily at his mother, he turned to look at his uncle and just looked at him calmly. Basimah took out the knife and cut the cake handing a piece to her brother and one for herself and a small one for Mozenrath. The baby squealed as he played with the cake smearing it all over his face, hands, and legs. Basimah laughed at him as he looked at her cake covered his face, he giggled at her. Destane just shook his head, and continued to eat cake.

“Mommy” Mozenrath said tugging on his mother's skirt, “mommy” he said again. As Basimah turned towards him, he held out his arms for her to pick him up. Basimah smiled at him and gladly lifted him off of the floor, “Mozenrath, what is it?” she asked him. “drink, I want drink” he said holding out his cup to her. Basimah smiled and went to get Mozenrath some water. “Here you go” she said holding him on her hip, she looked out the window next to her. It was a bright day out, only a small wind blew the sand up in swirls. “Mozenrath honey let's go outside” she said walking out of the kitchen and over to the door of the Citadel. She pulled open the door and stepped outside, Basimah breathed in the fresh air. It was so different from the Citadel instead of musty and dirty, it was clean and humid. “Mozenrath I've been thinking that sometime soon we should leave we've been here for months now” she said more to herself then to her small son. “I think that it's time to go, I'm going to tell Uncle Destane” she said while putting her son down to allow him to play.

The man watched his sister from the door way, for a few minutes before stepping out into the sun. “So soon Basimah you've been here almost a year Mozenrath is only a year and a half” Destane said lifting the boy from the sand. “Stay for a while longer besides where will you go” he said mockingly, “Back to your old home.” He watched her face, her mouth went into a thin line and her eyes that were normally gentle pierced into his. “I will stay a while longer but not too much longer, I want to leave here soon enough” she said ripping Mozenrath out of Destane’s hands and walking back into the Citadel. Leaving her brother to glare after her, and evil smile crossed his face, his plan was going perfectly if she did not oblige to letting him teach Mozenrath magic by the time his nephew was two she would die. His thoughts turned dark and hateful, she had been his mother's and father's favorite. She was the best looking, kindest, and smartest of the three of them Azool had always been a fool, he had been cunning and smart but she surpassed him and he hated her for it. He waited a few moments till she was in her room before walking back in the Citadel.

Mozenrath had been crying all that night and Basimah had gotten little to no sleep. She rocked him back and forth, “Come stop your crying it will be all right, just take my hand and hold it tight, I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry.” She watched as her son finally drifted off to sleep, then laid him on the bed softly kissing him on his small forehead then on his cheek. “I love you my sweet Mozenrath, I will always love you” she whispered to him. “Your my little baby, and I will never let anything happen to you ever” she said softly yet with determination. She brushed a wisp of his hair out of his face and then laid down to go to sleep.

The next morning she awoke and found Mozenrath missing, her heart leapt into her throat. “Mozenrath, Mozenrath” she called loudly with much fear in her voice, “Mozenrath where are you.” Thoughts came into her mind, what if he wandered off and was hurt somewhere, no no he wasn't, she must keep looking. Basimah quickly ran out of the room when she realized Mozenrath wasn't there, as she turned the corner the most horrific sight caught her eye. At the window Destane stood with Mozenrath in his arms and the gauntlet on Mozenrath’s hand. Basimah practically exploded with anger, “What are you doing get that filthy thing off of him” she said tearing the gauntlet from her sons hand. Destane turned towards her and grabbed the gauntlet back from her, and handed her Mozenrath at the same time. “He was having fun” he said coldly and turned leaving the angry mother.

Destane walked into the laboratory, as soon as he entered Xerxes flew towards him. “Master mad” he said more clearly then ever before, “Master no like sister” he smirked. “No Xerxes I hate her, I know it and she knows it” he said grabbing some papers. “Mozenrath is almost two now a three more months to go Xerxes three more months for her to give in or die” he hissed. Xerxes looked at his master “Die why die” he asked him stupidly, “Master really hate sister, Master want to steal little baby” he continued. Destane swatted at him, “Shut up” he growled, “don't you dare say a thing” he hissed again.

A few weeks later Destane entered Basimah’s room, “Basimah I need to talk to you” he said quietly. “What is it?” she asked him standing up, she looked at Mozenrath who sat in the corner playing with some toys. “I want you to let me teach Mozenrath magic, his destiny is to become a sorcerer” Destane said also looking at him. Basimah rolled her eyes with annoyance, “Destane I already told you no” she said with exasperation. Destane turned to his sister, “One way or another I will teach him” he said and left the room calmly for the first time. Basimah shook her head, the way he left made her very scared he never acted like that unless he meant what he said.

That's it I leave and I leave now, she thought to herself. She waited till nightfall, after her few things were packed she picked up her small sleeping son. Quietly she stepped out into the cold night making sure both she and Mozenrath were bundled. Tears welled up into her eyes when she was younger she never knew why her brothers hated her so much. She had never done anything to them, she thought as she wiped her tears away and walked away from the Citadel. After about an hour or so of traveling she stopped and sat down for a few minutes. She prayed to Allah that her brother would not discover her disappearance yet, at least not till she was safely away.

Destane awoke that night after a few hours of no peaceful sleep, he knew something was wrong. Quietly he walked the halls of the Citadel, as he came to his sisters room he noticed the door was open. He walked up to the door, and looked inside his eyes went wide as he saw that the room was empty. With a small growl he whipped his cape up around him and vanished.

Basimah peered down at Mozenrath, and smiled a weak sad smile. For some reason she felt that something terrible was about to happen. “Mozenrath always always be good, kind and fair” she said holding back tears. Suddenly a bright light shone in front of her and a familiar figure stepped out. “Destane” she said fearfully backing up, her brother glared at her. “Leaving so soon” he said, “give me the boy now or die” he said harshly. Basimah glared at her brother, “Never” she said inhaling deeply and bravely wiping the tears away. “I love him and I won't let you destroy him” she paused “you will turn him evil and hateful much like yourself.” Destane looked at his sister, he had to admire her bravery but for some reason it made him hate her more. His gauntlet began to glow brightly, and his hand was cupped shut. Basimah felt a tightening on her neck, the air flow was being cut off and she knew it. She struggled for a moment in vain, and soon collapsed on the cold sand. As she fell Mozenrath woke up, and began to cry. Destane walked calmly over to his sister’s body and took the baby boy. “Quiet child” he said harshly before teleporting them back to the Citadel.

As he entered his room, he laid Mozenrath on the bed. He shaped something with his hands and made a small crib for the child, then turning to Mozenrath he lay him in it. Mozenrath was sound asleep and still looked very innocent and loving. Destane looked at the boy, that would soon change he thought to himself. “If only she had just given you up she would still be alive” he said shaking his head, “she was foolish, boy your not worth losing your life over.” He turned and lay on his bed, soon he feel to sleep, a content sleep. He was in a long hallway, as he walked down it he heard a voice soft and kind. “Mozenrath I love you and will always protect you” he recognized it as Basimah’s, as he came closer to the voice it changed harsh and hard “Destane you will regret the day you did this” it said. “Who are you?” he asked hollering at the voice, suddenly a young woman appeared before him, “It's me and you will never win” Basimah said glaring defiantly at her brother.

Destane shot out of his bed sweating and panting with fear, he noticed that it was morning. Shaking off the dream as only a dream he stood up and went to Mozenrath. “Wake up your training begins” he said, roughly picking up Mozenrath. The young boy woke up and began to cry. Destane looked down harshly at the little boy in his hands, “Shut up fool” he growled. Mozenrath’s eyes went wide with fear, and he screamed louder, “Mommy, mommy.” Destane glared at him, “I said shut up your going to learn to listen to me” he growled at the boy. Mozenrath quieted for a few minutes and blinked at his uncle, tears continued to stream down his face. His breathing calmed down, finally after a few minutes the tears stopped coming. Destane grinned somewhat happily at his young nephew with a slight evil look. “Mozenrath from here on out its just you and me, now to begin your training” Destane said while walking out of the room with his nephew in his arms.

Basimah stood in the corner of the room, and watched her brother and her son. “Destane you will pay my son will give you what you deserve someday.” She glared at him, and then slowly disappeared. Knowing she would be able to come back and watch over him.
Three years later......

“Mozenrath get your little foolish butt in here now” Destane called out harshly. “Hurry up” he said while working around the laboratory. After a few moments a young boy ran into the room. “Yes master” he said while bowing his head, he hated doing it, and he hated his uncle. “I need you to clean this place up now, and don't break anything” Destane said ignoring his nephew's hateful glare. “Yes master” Mozenrath hissed again, as he walked around cleaning the lab. He looked up and noticed a painting of a young woman, he looked away, and then looked back at it. “Master, who is that in the painting?” he asked looking away from it for a moment it was the first time he had seen it. “That, is your mother, a merciless, unkind, cruel, and hateful woman” he paused, “She abandoned you as a baby.” Mozenrath looked at the woman in the picture, the kind look in her eyes told him that it couldn't be true. “You are never to ask about her again” Destane ordered. Mozenrath glared at him, then put his head down “Yes master” he murmured, He continued to clean the laboratory.

Basimah stood in the shadows and listened to what her brother said. Her breath deepened and became harsher, her hands tightened into a fist. A tear streamed down her face, she couldn't believe he was saying this about her how could he.

As Destane slept that night Basimah came to his bed and stood over him, silently watching him for a moment. “Destane how could you do this to me what have I ever done to you” she whispered entering his dreams. Destane's eyelids tightened and his brow furrowed, in his dream he saw his sister. “Basimah, what are you doing here?” he asked angrily, “I got rid of you.” Basimah’s figure walked closer, she glared at him, “Indeed you thought you did but I will always be here watching over Mozenrath, he will never become you.” Basimah’s glare grew more intense, Destane felt as though her eyes bore right through him. “Mozenrath will never believe the lies you tell him of me” she continued, “He will always hate you.” Destane drew away from her, “He believed me today” Destane argued back. “No he didn't I know what he thinks I can hear even what you think” Basimah said staying where she was, “Destane someday you will come to serve him I know you will and there isn't a thing you can do about it.” Suddenly the dream ended and Destane jumped up, sweat pouring over his face. He slowly rose out of the bed and walked to the laboratory to write something down. As he found a writing utensil and paper, he wrote his fears and hates down.

I fear Mozenrath, he is already showing hate towards me, and hate can lead to strong ability. He seems to know I killed his mother, yet doesn't realize it. His mother is watching over him now I know I made a mistake that can't be undone.

He hid the letter out of Mozenrath’s sight and reach, hoping the young child never found it, and walked back to his room and fell asleep.
No words describe a mother's tears
No words can heal a broken heart
A dream is gone,
But where there's hope
Somewhere something is calling for you
Two worlds one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide to guide these lives we see....