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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:14 pm    Post subject:

Both AVGN and NC are good in their own ways. I fairly enjoy their contents even today and wouldn't say NC is only famous because of AVGN.

Alright, claiming people being sex pests with no actual evidence or proof is just bad, so pls stop it.

As for that, the case is not over. Everyone is in mediation now and last time I checked the case was not about weather Vic is a monster as some like to claim. I still wait for the actual truth to come out, not just hearsays.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:02 pm    Post subject:

Meesh wrote:
Woah woah woah Laughing Hating somebody for having different tastes as you is pretty extreme!

The only reason I feel a little weird watching his videos is because of some of the shady things that went down with Channel Awesome and Lindsay Ellis. I still watch him once in a while though.

I enjoyed his Nostalgia Critic review of Aladdin 2019. It was very critical, but he did at least admit some good aspects, and his presentation was entertaining. His review as Doug Walker was pretty annoying though. Like I get it you hate the remakes.

The reviews in question:

Nostalgia Critic In-Character Review (more thought-out, well-edited review with jokes)


Stream of consciousness review:

The only reason he even got famous to begin with is because of his “feud” with James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd). If it wasn’t for that, he wouldn’t have gone anywhere.

zitagirl wrote:

About Vic Mignogna... you realise none of the allegations against him have been proven true yet, right?.

Then why did the judge dismiss his joke of a lawsuit earlier this month? And the cons he is being invited to are only ones that are run by sex pests like him that aren’t worth the time of anyone who knows right from wrong.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:13 pm    Post subject:

Meesh wrote:
Woah woah woah Laughing Hating somebody for having different tastes as you is pretty extreme!

The only reason I feel a little weird watching his videos is because of some of the shady things that went down with Channel Awesome and Lindsay Ellis. I still watch him once in a while though.

I enjoyed his Nostalgia Critic review of Aladdin 2019. It was very critical, but he did at least admit some good aspects, and his presentation was entertaining. His review as Doug Walker was pretty annoying though. Like I get it you hate the remakes.

The reviews in question:

Nostalgia Critic In-Character Review (more thought-out, well-edited review with jokes)


Stream of consciousness review:

I honestly not too informed in what happened with that, so I rather not judge him falsely. I simply just watches his videos as I do think he has some fair criticism about things he watched. Yes, he does go a bit extreme at times just for entertainment, but guy still gives solid criticism.

I'm fine with his Doug review on it. He had points and I do understand why he dislikes the remakes. Then again I view movies with a more critical eye as well, so I have a bit more insight why he thinks on them the way he does.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:05 pm    Post subject:

It's his opinion. Everyone has their right to say it and honestly he had some fair criticism in there, even though it was obvious some were played up just for entertainment.

About Vic Mignogna... you realise none of the allegations against him have been proven true yet, right? And he still gets roles and invitations to cons, so...

Now pls let's not start wishing people's lives being ruined. You don't like Doug? Don't watch his videos then. Being vile does no good.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:01 pm    Post subject:

Woah woah woah Laughing Hating somebody for having different tastes as you is pretty extreme!

The only reason I feel a little weird watching his videos is because of some of the shady things that went down with Channel Awesome and Lindsay Ellis. I still watch him once in a while though.

I enjoyed his Nostalgia Critic review of Aladdin 2019. It was very critical, but he did at least admit some good aspects, and his presentation was entertaining. His review as Doug Walker was pretty annoying though. Like I get it you hate the remakes.

The reviews in question:

Nostalgia Critic In-Character Review (more thought-out, well-edited review with jokes)


Stream of consciousness review:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:37 am    Post subject: I hate Doug Walker

And his latest review of live action Aladdin is just another reminder of WHY I hate him. I wish his career would be destroyed by some scandal like Vic Mignogna’s was back in January. That’s how much I can’t stand Doug or TGWTG.

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