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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:37 pm    Post subject:

Word, right!
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:00 pm    Post subject:

Abu definitely isn't needed, but would Aladdin really be better off without him? Hmm.

Characters like Abu, Iago, and even Rajah definitely exist mostly to justify the use of animation (as was one of Walt's biggest "rules"). Genie of course justifies it all on his own, but he's not in the first thirty minutes.

But this is definitely why Abu and Iago aren't going to be in the live-action version. As awesome as they are, they aren't really needed for the plot and won't work in live action.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:18 pm    Post subject:

Right - I was mixing it up with the no-Abu alternative reality Razz
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:12 pm    Post subject:

Jafar would still get the lamp! The story is pretty much the same after Aladdin wishes to be a prince. The only difference is that Jasmine doesn't recognize who he is. And she doesn't really need to. It's a nice touch to show that she liked him back when he was just a commoner, but it's not integral to the plot.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:38 am    Post subject:

But the only reason the sultan let Aladdin marry Jasmine after knowing that he was a street rat was because he saved the kingdom. Without the lamp, could Jafar feasibly take over the palace, giving Aladdin the chance to prove himself?
PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 10:09 pm    Post subject:

So I was thinking about it, and here's what I think would've happened if Jasmine hadn't first run away.

Aladdin would've been captured under Jafar's command regardless. So he still would've ended up going to the Cave of Wonders and meeting Genie. He'd have the same conversation with Genie about freedom and whatnot up until Aladdin finally starts thinking about his first wish. He has already been dreaming about palace life and is too nice a guy to just take the palace by force. He remembers that the princess has been getting a lot of suitors lately, and he's sure he can win her over what with the "tons" of girlfriends he's been able to secure in his young life so far. So he wishes to be a prince so that he can try to marry her himself and get into the palace that way.

But he does not expect to actually fall IN LURVE. :3

And then the rest of the movie is more or less the same. And in fact, it's more believable because Jasmine really seriously thinks he's a prince now instead of a prince who decided to dress as a commoner the exact same day she did in a city he doesn't even live in.

And so in the end, yes, Aladdin is the true hero.
PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 8:29 pm    Post subject:

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 7:42 pm    Post subject:

Lahela's father: Lahela, what have I told you about hanging around that boy?!

Lahela: But Daddy, he's a prince!

Lahela's father: No, he's not. I used to know his father. Lowlife scum begets more lowlife scum.

Lahela: But--

Lahela's father: Enough! I have already found a husband for you. You shall wed Kamal.

Lahela: But he's so ugly!

Lahela's mother: All men in Agrabah are ugly. Like the sand being everywhere, get used to it.
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 7:35 pm    Post subject:

Aladdin: Yeah, babe, I'm totally rich! And don't tell anyone, but I'm actually a prince, too!

Lahela: Really? :D ?

Aladdin: Yeah! I just sometimes dress as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life.

Lahela: A prince from where?

Aladdin: Ababwa.

Lahela: Ooooooooh! 8D
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:46 pm    Post subject:

Meesh wrote:
Right they're all either Aladdin or evil.

he probably pretended he was rich until she found out.

Both of these lines made me die of laughter.
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 10:28 am    Post subject:

imekitty wrote:
And further, has she seen the other guys in Agrabah? Not much to choose from...


Right they're all either Aladdin or evil.

His other girlfriends probably broke up with him because they were convinced he'd never amount to anything and could never provide for a family.

I got this vibe from the harem girl too. Except I'm thinking with her, he probably pretended he was rich until she found out.
PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:29 pm    Post subject:

I wonder what answer Jasmine was expecting? Like hello, has she seen her boyfriend? And further, has she seen the other guys in Agrabah? Not much to choose from...

Aladdin and that girl maybe had some sort of forbidden relationship going on and she was forced to join a harem so that she could no longer waste her time with a streetrat.

His other girlfriends probably broke up with him because they were convinced he'd never amount to anything and could never provide for a family. Him being their future sultan must be quite a shock.
PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 10:45 am    Post subject:

In Elemental My Dear Jasmine, when Jasmine asks Aladdin if he had any girlfriends, and he answers "Tons!"

... You know that harem girl was one of them. Cool
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 8:39 pm    Post subject:

Or Aladdin does save Jasmine and then she ends up joining his harem.

Sorry, I ruined it.

But anyway, we all know Aladdin and that pink girl had something going on between them.
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:49 pm    Post subject:

Someone please write that alternate reality Razz

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