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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:37 pm    Post subject:

They definitely should!
PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:40 am    Post subject:

Meesh wrote:
There's also the goose story, where a boy has a goose and uses it to make the laughless princess laugh. The goose is magical; all who touch it stick to it and all who touch someone who is touching it sticks to that person etc. And the prince made the princess laugh, which was promised with a reward of marriage to the princess. But the king doesnt like the boy so he gives him tests to do for the princess's hand in marriage. So the mysterious man who gave him the goose helps him out.

I think they could do a good job with that one.

Yeah, they could definetly have some fun w/ something like that!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:54 pm    Post subject:

There's also the goose story, where a boy has a goose and uses it to make the laughless princess laugh. The goose is magical; all who touch it stick to it and all who touch someone who is touching it sticks to that person etc. And the prince made the princess laugh, which was promised with a reward of marriage to the princess. But the king doesnt like the boy so he gives him tests to do for the princess's hand in marriage. So the mysterious man who gave him the goose helps him out.

I think they could do a good job with that one.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:03 pm    Post subject:

I don't think it'll matter to Disney... I'm serious. They'll just raise the ages of both the girls. They don't want to send little girls the wrong message.

(As if saying that the pretty princesses all found love by 16 is NOT the wrong message) Wink
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:01 pm    Post subject:

Hourglass wrote:
Nez wrote:
I think it would just be basically puppy love for both girls, who are basically 10-12 years old, though the one from Ancient China might be going through an arranged marriage.

Another idea would be about a fairy god sister who tries to play matchmaker for her god sister when she falls in love with her charge's "intended", the Prince.

You know Disney, however. If the girls are supposed to be 10-12, Disney would probably make them like 16... just like all our other disney heroines.

They may raise that however, seeing how times are changing, and 16 isn't as "old" as it used to be.

I believe our most recent Disney heroine, Pocohontas/Jane, seemed to be around 18.

True, but the story's about culture clashing as well and marrying ages vary like that.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:56 am    Post subject:

Nez wrote:
I think it would just be basically puppy love for both girls, who are basically 10-12 years old, though the one from Ancient China might be going through an arranged marriage.

Another idea would be about a fairy god sister who tries to play matchmaker for her god sister when she falls in love with her charge's "intended", the Prince.

You know Disney, however. If the girls are supposed to be 10-12, Disney would probably make them like 16... just like all our other disney heroines.

They may raise that however, seeing how times are changing, and 16 isn't as "old" as it used to be.

I believe our most recent Disney heroine, Pocohontas/Jane, seemed to be around 18.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:40 am    Post subject:

Hourglass wrote:
Nez wrote:
There are loads of fairytales you have never heard of.

Hence the obscure part.

I was tinkering with a variation of "The Emperor's Nightingale", except it's about two Chinese girls (actually, one's Chinese American in present day; the other's in Ancient China) who experience a exchange of roles via a mechanical Nightingale.

That would be cool, as long as there was romance.

I think it would just be basically puppy love for both girls, who are basically 10-12 years old, though the one from Ancient China might be going through an arranged marriage.

Another idea would be about a fairy god sister who tries to play matchmaker for her god sister when she falls in love with her charge's "intended", the Prince.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:08 am    Post subject:

Nez wrote:
There are loads of fairytales you have never heard of.

Hence the obscure part.

I was tinkering with a variation of "The Emperor's Nightingale", except it's about two Chinese girls (actually, one's Chinese American in present day; the other's in Ancient China) who experience a exchange of roles via a mechanical Nightingale.

That would be cool, as long as there was romance.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:33 am    Post subject:

There are loads of fairytales you have never heard of.

Hence the obscure part.

I was tinkering with a variation of "The Emperor's Nightingale", except it's about two Chinese girls (actually, one's Chinese American in present day; the other's in Ancient China) who experience a exchange of roles via a mechanical Nightingale.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:26 am    Post subject:

Nez wrote:
I'm for them doing obscure fairytales.

Such as...

It has to have a romance factor to it, so... there are little choices left.

They could do little red riding hood... in a weird, HAVE TO MAKE IT LONGER sorta way.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:50 am    Post subject:

I'm for them doing obscure fairytales.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:44 am    Post subject:

Well, Ali Baba was kinda already tied in w/ the ALADDIN triology, so I'm guessing that's out.

It would be kinda cool if in the future they do a SWAN PRINCESS, but that movies been done quite a bit, so I doubt it will happen.

Quite frankly, I think that Disney should stick w/ the fairy tales because they seem to do alot better than the original ideas.

I.E. Home on the Range

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:20 pm    Post subject:

all of my ideas are books. one is East by Edith Pattou. It's one of my favorites. and i've read a LOT of books, trust me. the other is one i just read last night. it's called Goose Chase by Patrice Kindl.
the last is called Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. of course, i'd kill to be the lead female actor, and i swear if hilary duff were to get the lead girl part, i'd have a BF. you check out all these books on barnes and READ THESE BOOKS!!! they are amazing!
PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:33 am    Post subject:

Nez wrote:
Where the heck did you get that list?

I got it from my sister site Misty at Disney Dreams:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:11 pm    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
And I've heard about Hercules II coming out as well, and Mulan III. That would make my top three favorite Disney movies sequeled...*sigh*

Jo posted a list, and Hercules II is on it. Mulan I didn't see on it, but, knowing Disney...

AladdinsGenie wrote:
Remember when it use to be just us with two sequels? Yeah, um..what happened? Laughing

**sighs nostalgically**
The good 'ol days...

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