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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:02 pm    Post subject:

...I love bagels Laughing. Cinnamon raisin, mmmm
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:49 pm    Post subject:

My grandmother doesn't eat bagels anymore, because she says that they're high in sugar.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:43 pm    Post subject:

Flax seed Laughing

My mom has some of that, but it's for her stomach since it always seems to be messed up. My family has some type of long history stomach cancer that has killed a few members Shocked
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:29 am    Post subject:

Flax seed meal is quite high in fiber and makes an excellent hot cereal in the morning... afternoon... whenever you're in the mood. Very Happy
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:04 am    Post subject:

persian85033 wrote:
I love wheat bread, but I suppose that's even more carbs, isn't it?

I don't know, but due to a nasty condition that I have a familiy history of that can only be prevented by eating lots of fiber, I'm just going to cut out the refined sugars, kthx.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:39 am    Post subject:

YES, doughnuts make your bloodsugar go up. And if you're hypoglycemic, it'll come plummeting down and turn you into a monster shortly afterword. Interestingly enough, the solution is not to replace the sugar per se (a lot of which is just getting converted into fat), but to fuel your body with something that does not cause an insulin reaction - fat, protien, and some low-glycemic carbohydrates, such as vegetables or fruits like berries, oranges, or melons. (Not watermelons, however; those're vine-grown junkfood.)

White bread = Refined Evil. Trust me. Apples, 'specially dessert apples, are also evil.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:24 pm    Post subject:

persian85033 wrote:
Well, I don't really like white bread much. I love wheat bread, but I suppose that's even more carbs, isn't it?

But when you eat doughnuts, wouldn't that make your blood sugar go up? Confused

white bread = love Laughing

I believe so, yes
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:36 pm    Post subject:

Well, I don't really like white bread much. I love wheat bread, but I suppose that's even more carbs, isn't it?

But when you eat doughnuts, wouldn't that make your blood sugar go up? Confused
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:52 pm    Post subject:

Oh1 I want to play

* hugs her pandesal * (filipino bread rolls)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:09 pm    Post subject:

*Hugs her low-glycemic, whole-wheat Middle-Eastern-style bread*
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:09 pm    Post subject:

*hugs French bread*
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:54 pm    Post subject:

Yeah, but I love bread.

*hugs a loaf of asiago foccocia*
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:04 pm    Post subject:

No, I mean hypoglycemic. Hyper - ultra high. Hypo - ultra low.

Doughnut = insulin spike = low bloodsugar. Low bloodsugar = cranky monster.

Actually, Atkins isn't that hard. I've been doing it for over two years and it's worked wonders.

Just for the record, my sister makes the most wonderful low-carb cheesecakes, and whole-wheat chocolate cake is so easy to make in the microwave.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:32 pm    Post subject:

Don't you mean hyperglycemic? Anyway, it's a hard diet. Imagine, eating absolutely no pan dulce, no tortillas, rice, spagetti, etc.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:31 am    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
I've got any bread he wants Wink . Like I've said before, he wouldn't do too well on the Atkin's diet. No carbs Laughing

Atkins is low/controlled carb, not no-carb.

Also, after you reach your goal weight, you start eating just enough carbohydrates in a day that your weight remains stable.

Anyway, don't feed him the doughnuts. You don't want him getting a hypoglycemic reaction... trust me. Wink

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