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PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:00 pm    Post subject:

APK wrote:
Aw, thank you so much! Smile It's been about two weeks since I've broke it now. Have you ever broken any bones before?

Nooo, I never have actually! I'm not adventurous enough to get broken bones! Laughing I need to do more risky things.

Lol, me too actually! I'm not adventurous at all, which is why I ended up getting a broken leg from slipping in mud versus something like a sport. ;P
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:05 pm    Post subject:

Aw, thank you so much! Smile It's been about two weeks since I've broke it now. Have you ever broken any bones before?

Nooo, I never have actually! I'm not adventurous enough to get broken bones! Laughing I need to do more risky things.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:10 pm    Post subject:

Oh, I see. I was wondering what was up with the long hair. I don't really know how Rapunzel goes, so I'd better google it.

Lol, that's kind of funny. I have a horrible memory as well and tend to repeat things to people that I said just a few minutes ago. It can be kind of embarrassing. ;P I'd love to start a collection of Disney movies, but I think that would take a LONG time for me since I don't have a job or anything right now.
lisa jane
PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:09 pm    Post subject:

Tangled is pretty much Rapunzel.

He asks me what we have because he has the memory of a gold fish and can't remember for the life of him. Hehe yeah we've been told our collection is good - when we've got people house sitting for us people tell us we've got movies they haven't seen since they were little and wind up watching the lot.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:35 am    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
JafarsRomancer wrote:
Haha, I know that feeling! Have you been thinking about getting a blu-ray player for a while then? I would love to get one, but I don't have the money right now. You'll have to tell me all about those special features though, okay? ^^

Yes, a Blu-ray/Region free one, in fact. I bought myself a fancy DVD/VHS video converter and recorder a few years ago, so I basically need something that will handle all the other common problems people face when buying movies. I've been okay without it since I don't watch too many movies to begin with, but this is a special occasion Laughing

I've always wanted one of those VHS video converters! Does yours work pretty well? I have a few old Disney VHS films packed up in boxes because I'm refusing to get rid of them despite the fact that our VHS player broke ages ago. xD You don't watch too many movies? I think I'm always watching a movie or show at night. And I definitely agree that it is a special occasion! ^^

lisa jane wrote:
Tangled's good, I didn't mind it... though to be honest even if we hadn't seen it, we would've brought it anyway, there's very few animated Disney films we're not buying on blu-ray - it's pretty standard for us to walk into a DVD shop and my husband to ask what Disney movies we don't have yet on blu-ray...

I'm kind of interested in seeing Tangled now. I've heard good things about it, but don't really know anything about the plot. Lol, that's funny about how your husband walks into a DVD shop and asks what Disney movies you don't have on blu-ray yet. xD It sounds like you certainly have quite the collection! ^^ I actually didn't like the Fox and the Hound much myself. I almost fell asleep during that one actually...
lisa jane
PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:32 am    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:

lisa jane wrote:
Tangled's good, I didn't mind it... though to be honest even if we hadn't seen it, we would've brought it anyway, there's very few animated Disney films we're not buying on blu-ray - it's pretty standard for us to walk into a DVD shop and my husband to ask what Disney movies we don't have yet on blu-ray...

Now I gotta ask - which ones are you not getting? Laughing

Haha, mostly ones neither of us have any interest in seeing whatsoever. There's not many, off the top of my head a couple we don't intend on getting are Fox and the Hound and... totally forgetting the other one Rolling Eyes It has all animals in it I think. We would get it but problem is blu-rays are ridiculously expensive here, especially Disney ones, so we don't want to waste money on ones we are NEVER going to watch.

For anyone's interest, the ones we do have on blu-ray are:

Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pocahontas, Pocahontas 2, Princess and the Frog, Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Cars, Wall-E, Lion King, Ratatouille, Beauty and the Beast, Tangled and Bambi - all of which in no particular order, and Bambi I actually thought was one of the ones we didn't intend on getting, but it turns out we actually have Laughing

We also have Mulan and, quite obviously, Aladdin, on DVD.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:58 am    Post subject:

JafarsRomancer wrote:
Haha, I know that feeling! Have you been thinking about getting a blu-ray player for a while then? I would love to get one, but I don't have the money right now. You'll have to tell me all about those special features though, okay? ^^

Yes, a Blu-ray/Region free one, in fact. I bought myself a fancy DVD/VHS video converter and recorder a few years ago, so I basically need something that will handle all the other common problems people face when buying movies. I've been okay without it since I don't watch too many movies to begin with, but this is a special occasion Laughing

lisa jane wrote:
Tangled's good, I didn't mind it... though to be honest even if we hadn't seen it, we would've brought it anyway, there's very few animated Disney films we're not buying on blu-ray - it's pretty standard for us to walk into a DVD shop and my husband to ask what Disney movies we don't have yet on blu-ray...

Now I gotta ask - which ones are you not getting? Laughing
lisa jane
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:52 pm    Post subject:

Tangled's good, I didn't mind it... though to be honest even if we hadn't seen it, we would've brought it anyway, there's very few animated Disney films we're not buying on blu-ray - it's pretty standard for us to walk into a DVD shop and my husband to ask what Disney movies we don't have yet on blu-ray...
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:13 pm    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
Yeah, I had mixed emotions when I saw it was coming to blu-ray because that means I have to finally break down and get one Laughing. I know they're going to put all the special features on a different disc and I can't live with not having access to them.

Haha, I know that feeling! Have you been thinking about getting a blu-ray player for a while then? I would love to get one, but I don't have the money right now. You'll have to tell me all about those special features though, okay? ^^

APK wrote:
I hope your ankle feels better soon!

Aw, thank you so much! Smile It's been about two weeks since I've broke it now. Have you ever broken any bones before?

lisa jane wrote:
I'm definitely getting it on blu-ray... I have a blu-ray player and I collect all the Disney blu-rays anyway (just brought Pocahontas and Tangled last week).

Omg, you have Pocahontas and Tangled on blu-ray? You're so lucky. xD I really like Pocahontas although I have not seen Tangled before. How is that?

misstoril wrote:
Welcome back!
School's taken a chunk out of me too, so I understand!
College ?

Thanks so much! It's great to be back. ^^
School sure does take up a LOT of time. How's school been going for you?
Well, my online course was kind of like a college course, but I'm still in high school. xD
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:11 am    Post subject:

Welcome back!
School's taken a chunk out of me too, so I understand!
College ?
lisa jane
PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:57 pm    Post subject:

I'm definitely getting it on blu-ray... I have a blu-ray player and I collect all the Disney blu-rays anyway (just brought Pocahontas and Tangled last week).
PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:02 pm    Post subject:

I hope your ankle feels better soon!
PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:44 am    Post subject:

I'm only getting it if there are worth-it special features.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:57 am    Post subject:

Yeah, I had mixed emotions when I saw it was coming to blu-ray because that means I have to finally break down and get one Laughing. I know they're going to put all the special features on a different disc and I can't live with not having access to them.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:36 am    Post subject:

lisa jane wrote:
Welcome back!

Thank you! Smile How have you been? ^^

AladdinsGenie wrote:
Things always get really slow around school time here. I get the feeling the re-release of Aladdin on blu-ray next year is going to change that, though. I remember popularity caused this place during the 2004 release Laughing

That makes sense I suppose. School makes us all so busy. -_- That would be awesome if the site became more popular with the blu-ray release though. ^^ Too bad I don't have a blu-ray player though. :S

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