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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:27 pm    Post subject:

It's probably "Crazy Bitch". I love that song Laughing
PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:07 pm    Post subject:

@ Jafar's Romancer

I heard of Buckcherry before and I listened to one of their songs (I can't remember the name) but it was pretty good.

And I hate winter, lol. I only like it for Christmas. The cold weather is just torturous.

@ Lisa Jane

Yeah! 8D

It doesn't snow where I live, but I don't like the rain too much. If I'm inside, then it's fine.
lisa jane
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:07 pm    Post subject:

Desert Witch wrote:

@ Lisa Jane

Awesome! 8D -highfives-

Yay! Go us!

I actually don't mind winter too much, though I hate rain and snow... frankly, if it was really hot every day, there would be no complaint from me.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:18 pm    Post subject:

I know, my friend is amazing with GIMP and I'm all like wtf, how are you doing that? xD The controls are super confuzzling. I still don't know what half of them do. lol

Monster is definitely my favorite from Skillet and I also like Getting Away with Murder and Last Resort. ^^ I like Buckcherry a ton, I dunno if you've ever heard of them. I'm like the only Buckcherry fan in existence, I think. rofl

Yeah, I hate sweating. Ew! xD You must really hate the cold! So do you like hate winter then? xD
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:11 am    Post subject:

@ Jafars Romancer

I've seen people create awesome things using GIMP. I downloaded it and when I opened the program, I was like: wut? o_o All the controls confused me. D8

I like 'I Will Not Bow' by Breaking Benjamin, 'Monster' and 'Whispers in the Dark' by Skillet, and 'Getting Away With Murder', 'Scars', and 'Last Resort'. Fantastic songs. What about you?

Sweating is gross, I agree with you there. xD Still, I would rather sweat than freeze-that's how much I hate cold weather, lol.

@ Lisa Jane

Awesome! 8D -highfives-
lisa jane
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:05 pm    Post subject:

Desert Witch wrote:
I've met other person that agrees with me, lol.

Make it two other people - the warmer and hotter the weather is, the happier I am!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:28 pm    Post subject:

GIMP isn't too bad. I mean, Photoshop is way better, but GIMP is free and I'm cheap so it's all good. ^^ Lol, it confused me so much at first. I actually deleted it from my computer and then I got bored one day and downloaded it again. xD

Oh, same here. I love a variety of music and movies and...well...everything! ^^ I really like Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, and Papa Roach! What are your favorite songs by them?

Lol, really? I just hate being hot. It drives me crazy. And sweating really grosses me out! Well, at least there's one other person who agrees with you. xD
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:09 pm    Post subject:

I heard GIMP was a good program, but it confuses me. D8 And thank you! ^^

I listen to all kinds of music, so I can't really stick to one genre. xD Some bands I like include A Perfect Circle, Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, Papa Roach, Good Charlotte (I seldom listen to it nowadays), Foster the People, and 30 Seconds to Mars.

Most people I've met told me they would rather freeze than roast, so I'm used to hearing that. xD I've met other person that agrees with me, lol.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:05 pm    Post subject:

Aw, why thank you! I'm glad someone likes them! Oh, I just mess around with GIMP and photobucket when I get bored. I enjoy staring at Jaffy too much; I have like 15 siggys of him. *blushes* Your Jafar pic on dA is amazing! Can't say I'm liking Helga though. xP

I know what you mean! I only listen to music from my computer as well. Lol, for some reason, I cannot walk outside without my mp3 because I like music too much. I think I have music on most of the day. What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Oh, you think so? I'd rather freeze than roast, but that's just my opinion. I have some temperature issues though, so I suppose that's why.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:49 pm    Post subject:

Ok, I just looked at your deviantart and the wallpapers you have on there look absolutely stunning. How do you do it? And your Jafar signature looks great. I wish I could do stuff like that, lol.

And yes, I am relieved I found my Ipod. I could only listen to music from my computer and it’s annoying because I like to walk with my headphones on (for some odd reason) and I was just going crazy. I almost bought a new one-I’m glad I found my original. Otherwise, that would be another sixty dollars down the drain. X_x

It’s a little cooler now, but still kind of hot. Even though I hate roasting, I like that better than freezing to death.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:28 pm    Post subject:

Great! I'll add you when I get time. I'm CoconutCoral on there. Lol, weird name, I know. I'll have to check out your Jafar pics! I'm sure they're awesome! I can't draw to save my life, so I just make wallpapers and crap when I'm bored. lol

I really love Zira! I think she's an amazing character. Actually, if you go to my dA, I think that will be obvious because it's like all Zira/Scar. xD I think she was more evil than Scar personally.

Awesome! Lol, I shoved my phone under the bed once, so I totally understand that. I bet you're relieved to have it back, right? :3 Oh geez, you should see my closet. You can't open it without stuff coming flying out. xD

Aw! I hate roasting! That would suck! *hands you an umbrella for next time* lol I wish it would cool down where I live. I mean, it's October, isn't it suppose to be getting cooler?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:53 am    Post subject:

Sure! My deviantart ID is Sarcastic-Witch. I have a couple of Jafar pictures on there and well as some other DWOW-themed art at the moment. I hope to add more pictures of Jafar in the future. He's really hard to draw at times. =/

Zira is one of those few sequel villainesses that stand out. She's almost as evil as Scar, if not more.

And great news! I finally found my Ipod! 8D It was under my bed -lolfail- and I lost my cellphone a while ago. I think it's buried in my closet somewhere-I dunno.

We barely have any trees in our neighborhood, so I have to roast. D8
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:08 pm    Post subject:

Oh, I know what you mean. I kinda hate that when someone takes a main character and then plays them only once in a very long time. I mean, if you're going to take a main character, you have to be committed imo. Do you ever do private RPs? I've done a few of those with my friend and those were fun. I bet you do a very good job with Jafar! I dunno if I'm any good at RPs. lol I've done quite a few, but I never really got opinions from anyone. lol

OMG, I am constantly on deviant art, so that's okay. Hey, can I add you as a friend on there? I definitely think she's the only decent character in the sequel. Then again, I've liked her since like forever, so my opinion is probably biased. I have a Zira plushie on my bed right now. lol

Aw! That would really suck if you had to buy a new one! I hope you find it. Lol, my dad finally got me a new phone. First thing he said was "DON'T LOOSE THIS!" xD

Omg, same here! How come that always seems to happen when it's hot outside? I just hid in the shade under a tree, but it was still really hot.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:18 pm    Post subject:

I got the same result with Jafar. I went to several Disney RPGs in the past and for some odd reason, he wasn’t taken. On one of them, someone eventually took his character-but she didn’t play him a lot so yeah…I guess I could kind of understand why someone would be reluctant to take him-Jafar’s character is very complex. I usually like playing minor characters since there’s more room for character development, but Jafar’s a rare exception. I thought I would suck playing as him, but according to the other members, I play a decent Jafar. So I know I’m not completely destroying his character. XD I find him easy to portray now.

And Zira seems pretty popular to me. I guess I just hang around on deviant art too much, lol. There’s plenty of fanart of her to go around and some had described her of being the only decent character in the sequel.

I searched my car three times and I must have torn apart my room at least ten times. D8 I really hope I find it soon otherwise I may have to buy another. Bummer.

That’s happened to me once or twice. XD Not a pleasant day, especially when it’s summertime. And my parents don’t come home until later, so I had to sit out there in the heat.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:44 pm    Post subject:

Lol, yeah, I have that same thing. I've done some TLK RPs before and I'll only participate if I can play Zira. I guess she's not that popular of a character because I've always gotten to play her on the RPing site I'm on.

Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about! My dad got one of those for his birthday and I was like, "Um, isn't that a little TOO small? Aren't you going to loose it?" I hope you find yours soon! Have you been looking for it some more? I'm very irresponsible. My parents are always telling me about that. xD

OMG, I did that! I lost my house keys and got locked out of the house for almost a whole day. :S And then there was this time where I thought I had lost my purse. -_-

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