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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:56 pm    Post subject:

That's actually a very good point. ^_^;

I don't think he used any magic at all, unless you count his snake staff, but even that doesn't do much. Jafar's actually my fav male Aladdin character, I'm impressed that he had to rely on wits too. It's just...the reason why I said that in my first post was because I thought I'd bring it up just for the heck of it and the fact that at the moment I couldn't think of anything else. xD

But you're right, after all, just because Aladdin wins every single time because of wits and power ( Genie being on his side ) doesn't mean he's the best character. I actually get annoyed with him alot. But I guess everyone could see why. xD
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:02 pm    Post subject:

I'd just like to point out that MOAR POWER doesn't automatically make a better character. I had noticed that Jafar actually used very little, if any magic prior to his becoming a sorcerer, and I thought that was actually kind of neat because he essentially had to rely on his wits.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:33 am    Post subject:

Hey, Thanks guys ^_^

Yeah I'll have to admit, PS1 games had terrible graphics and horrible game controls. I've killed Aladdin so many times because I forget stupid things like how to make him jump over lava and end up burning him to death. xD

I finished the game and I was pretty disapointed because the left out what actually happened to Nasira. X-x
PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:12 am    Post subject:

Meesh wrote:
I sadly haven't played the game, so I knew next to nothing about Nasira.

I haven't finished the game. Years ago when I bought it, I thought I would be smart and get it for playstation instead of the computer because I figured it would be easier. Ha. I've gotten past the SNES and SEGA versions of Aladdin on my computer before finishing this game Laughing.

PS1 graphics and camera controls suck so bad with this game. I'd love it if they remade the game for the PS2, but I know that's not happening in a million years.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:27 am    Post subject:

Welcome back!!

I sadly haven't played the game, so I knew next to nothing about Nasira.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:59 pm    Post subject: I'm Back

Hey, after god knows how long, I finally came back to this forum to try to become active, unlike before. Long story short, I've been busy with school and have been out of the house often with my friends. Now that I have some time to myself, I decided to come back and make a good effort to stay active.

About me:

Age: 17
Sex: Female
Hobbies: Drawing, Surfing the net, Rping
Favorite Aladdin Charrie: *points to username* It's kinda sad that she doesn't get a lot of attention, I mean come on, she's well-designed and she's even more powerful than Jafar. ( How? Think about it, in the first Aladdin movie, Jafar was actually incapable preforming super natural magic until his second wish. The only magic he had with him was his staff, which only hypnotizes victims. And Nasira didn't have to rely on a genie's power to become as powerful as she is. )

Examples of Power:

Summoning Spirits ( Opening Scene and Ending Scene? )
Hypnotizing a large amount of people at the same time. ( Taking over the palace overnight. )
Enchanting Objects ( Such as brooms and pillows trying to kill Aladdin in the palace )
Transporting Anything ( Sending Genie to the Cave of Wonders )
Firing Magic at Opponents ( Hitting Aladdin off of the carpet and in the Final Battle )
Quick Transformation ( When she was outside the Cave of Wonders and quickly went from her Mystic disguise to her regular self. )
Paralizing ( Paralizing Aladdin and draining the artifacts from him )
Transporting herself ( Going back to her lair )
Enlarging Anything ( Made Jafar bigger )

And don't get me wrong, I think Jafar's an awesome villian, I just thought I'd bring this up to make a point.

Anyways, getting back on subject, I just wanted to say that I'm going to try to be on every chance I get and hopefully stay active. x_x

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