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PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:29 am    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
I really don't care if it's in the platinum collection at this point either. They keep re-releasing all their movies in different formats every few years anyways (Mary Poppins has been released FOUR times on DVD in the past TEN years. What? Laughing), so whether or not one has a platinum stamp on it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Those just get to be the ones Disney makes you wait longer to buy, which if they're that precious seems dumb to do when there's a demand for them all the time. They're treating them like money booster shots.

I'm coming around to this opinion as well. The thread about this I read at Ultimate Disney DVD said that Aladdin didn't really sell that many less than the other Platinums, just that people waited longer to buy it, until the price went down to that of a normal non-platinum DVD. That combined with the fact that its on TV so much suggests to me that it's still one of the most popular Disney movies, but the people who like it like it for the movie itself, they're not willing to pay extra for the special features. I love our special features and I'm glad we got them once, but if Aladdin's just considered mass entertainment from now on, I think I'm okay with that. Smile

I'll probably still complain about it if/when it happens, but, still... Laughing

AladdinsGenie wrote:
What I am worried about, though, is whether or not that will effect the release of the series on DVD, but if they haven't put the Little Mermaid series on DVD, then it must not be directly related to sales of their original movies.

I don't even care so much about a DVD anymore, as long as they do something to make them available legally. Just put them on Hulu or something! Razz
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:31 pm    Post subject:

I remember them playing Aladdin when the DVD came out, too. They just...haven't stopped doing it Laughing. And Sleeping Beauty, but it wasn't platinum at the time. They haven't done it since 2003/2004, though, which is when those came out.

Maybe this is their weird way of getting people remembering it again so when it is time to re-release it, they'll go and buy it instead of having to wait for it to come on tv. I personally hate watching movies on tv, especially when they come with commercials.

I really don't care if it's in the platinum collection at this point either. They keep re-releasing all their movies in different formats every few years anyways (Mary Poppins has been released FOUR times on DVD in the past TEN years. What? Laughing), so whether or not one has a platinum stamp on it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Those just get to be the ones Disney makes you wait longer to buy, which if they're that precious seems dumb to do when there's a demand for them all the time. They're treating them like money booster shots.

What I am worried about, though, is whether or not that will effect the release of the series on DVD, but if they haven't put the Little Mermaid series on DVD, then it must not be directly related to sales of their original movies.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:03 pm    Post subject:

... all this free TV is a really bad sign for the movie staying in the platinum collection. They just don't give away those films like this. Laughing Really, when's the last time any of the others got free TV play? I remember BATB being played around the time of its DVD (back in 2002...), but the others? I can't tell you the last time. Confused
PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:11 pm    Post subject:

ABC Family? Really? That's weird Laughing
PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:19 pm    Post subject: Aladdin on ABC Family 4/23

Aladdin will be airing on April 23rd at 8pm Eastern / 7pm Central on ABC Family:

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