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Princess of Agrabah
PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:51 pm    Post subject:

I really hope they do re-release it. Stupid me didn't buy the Platinum because I already had it on tape. So I'm keeping my VCR until it stops working XD.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:19 am    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
I was reading comments on why the DVD didn't sell well (although it was compared to Snow White's sales, which hasn't been on VHS since I was a kid. Yeah, people were going to buy that up faster Laughing)

Anyone here remember when in 2001 the Snow White DVD came out? Because if it was Christmas 2001, I have a theory. Laughing

My self from five years ago would hate me for saying this, but instead of just moving the DVD release back two years they should have moved it to the very end of the Platinum schedule. IMO, the xenophobia has (mostly) dissapated, it would have been a lot longer since its last release, and no one would have VCRs anymore and couldn't watch it any other way.
A Whole New World
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:55 pm    Post subject:

A Blu-Ray will be great Very Happy acorrding to the Blu-Ray website there will be a Blu-Ray:
I hope that Aladdin will have more Platinum Editions,I don't see why kicking it out off the Platinum Editions list,it's a very popular and sucessful movie,Jasmine is a Disney Princess,that's silly Confused espically if it's because it's about Arabians.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:41 pm    Post subject:

Calluna wrote:
Seriously, though, they put it out in October 2004! Not a month before George W. Bush was reelected; and wasn't that also the bloodiest year of the Iraq war? What did they think was going to happen?

THANK-YOU. I was reading comments on why the DVD didn't sell well (although it was compared to Snow White's sales, which hasn't been on VHS since I was a kid. Yeah, people were going to buy that up faster Laughing) and I hiiiiighly doubt it's because no one likes the film anymore. Between living in a post-9/11 society and one that's fighting with a Muslim country right now? It's unfortunate to do so, but we have to take in account current events. The timing of the DVD release was bad, and I think Disney gave into that. No imax release (yeah, they weren't doing too well, but they were planning for Aladdin to come out even after they weren't), no huge campaign they promised, hardly any advertising, nothing. They released the DVD and more or less said "buy it if you want". No other platinum DVD was treated like that at all.
And there's still the little black cloud of the controversy that still looms over the film that Disney probably didn't want re-associated with them at this time. That would put them in a position to defend their pro-Arab movie in an anti-Arab society. Not something a lot of companies or people are willing to do :/

If they drop it from the platinum line, I'd have to ask what the criteria is to be there because it's clearly not based on sales of theatrical releases like they said originally.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:10 am    Post subject:

I know at least one person who won't let their kids see Aladdin because they're prejudiced against Muslims.

Rolling Eyes

The DVD didn't get a ton of fanfare, either. That "biggest marketing campaign" ever thing was complete bull. Laughing

I've also noticed that the film has been on Disney Channel/Toon Disney a lot lately... none of the other Platniums get frequent free-TV air time. That's not a great sign.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:23 pm    Post subject:

There was a non-Platinum DVD release of it in Europe recently; not sure if that means it's not Platinum anymore. Seriously, though, they put it out in October 2004! Not a month before George W. Bush was reelected; and wasn't that also the bloodiest year of the Iraq war? What did they think was going to happen? I know at least one person who won't let their kids see Aladdin because they're prejudiced against Muslims. But, surely that won't last forever and IMO it's already improving; why punish the movie just because it was a bad half-decade for anything vaguely related to the Middle East?

Er, sorry, I'm ranting. Laughing But, yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. There've been rumors about Aladdin on Blu-Ray ever since it showed up in that trailer, but the only time I saw it asked about in an interview it got shot down. Maybe it'll be a Europe-only blu-ray version of the DVD release it just got?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:20 am    Post subject: Aladdin Blu-Ray Rumor

This is a total rumor, but I figured I'd post it because it sounds plausable. Someone on the forum claims to have seen a DVD release list that names a blue-ray exclusive (with DVD included) Aladdin release in Feb. 2010, launching about the same time as Fantasia's platinum edition.

Aladdin's platinum didn't do so well, so it wouldn't shock me that they'd drop it from the line. It also appeared in the list of blue-ray features from the trailer, so it's due to happen anyway.

Again, this is a complete rumor, so take it with a grain of salt.

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