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PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:13 pm    Post subject:

SalukFan wrote:

And in the original Aladdin film, Aladdin does say a bit of dialogue without a moving mouth (I can't remember which part for the life of me *nudges AG hard*, and Abu does it as well, when trying to wake up Aladdin in the COW). There's many other examples of stuff like this.

It's when he says "But it's got a great view." He's still smiling when he pulls the "curtain" back. *nods*
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:13 pm    Post subject:

I agree with you there, but some of the plot lines aren't that good either. There are a couple like "Return of Malcho," and "The Love Bug," that are horrible both ways.

Okay, I'm with you on "The Love Bug", but I must stand up for "Return of Malcho", which I think has some of the best storytelling and animation in the series.

"RoM" is like an Aladdin character study, IMO. It's one more part of the arc Aladdin goes through as it relates to his lack of confidance in the future, which runs through the entire trilogy. I'm a sucker for that part of his character, and the combination of paranoia, doubt (from himself and the guards), and his having to do what he does best, adventuring, combined with his pressure to do "what the Sultan would do" gives him some nice conflict.

And, an a note that I'm sure only a few will share with me, the guards in this episode are awesome, voice issues aside. Nahbi just kills me everytime, and Rasoul's attitude is half of what turned me into a major fan of his (DoF being the other half), with his acceptance of Aladdin as he does better and his stuff with Iago.

Rasoul: Come on, Aladdin, give up the bird!
Iago: Give me up? Give up your mama!

...Cracks me up.

As for the animation, I don't see problems with it. I think Malcho looks amazing (*much* better than he looked in Rain of Terror), Aladdin/Iago look great, and guards look good as well (though Rasoul never looks quite as nice as he does in the KOT trial scene, which, IMO, is where he looks the best).

You'll have to excuse my rambling and babbling. I'm trying to defend... but I think the combination I have of Scrooginess and fandom obsesser is beginning to blur today.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:50 am    Post subject:

Horrid animation has never kept me away from an episode (Story pulls me in... prettiness just makes it better).

I agree with you there, but some of the plot lines aren't that good either. There are a couple like "Return of Malcho," and "The Love Bug," that are horrible both ways.

Then there are episodes I absolutley love like ,"The Ethereal," and "Seems Like Old Crimes: Part 1&2." Those have some good animation, and a great plotline.

The animation in the original Aladdin cannont be beaten though!!! Especially Carpet. It was a heartbreak to see Carpet animated, instead of computer generated. They lost ALOT of his beauty and design.

It's just the original was very, very good, the coloring, shapes, designs...everything. And the DVD release made it even better... now I just wish they would help the sequels along a little.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:43 am    Post subject:


They constantly mess up the animation in the series... and then they also did it in the sequels!!!

I don't think anything bugs me more in the sequels than Jasmine in KOT, especially during that trial scene. She goes from gorgeous to gastly.


Then there are parts where a character will be talking, but their lips won't be moving. I love Aladdin, but they had some of the worst animators for the sequels and the series.

Objectively, though, that happens in the features too, so it's not just a staple of DTVs. In BATB, for instance, when Gaston shouts "Belle is mine!", his mouth is saying, "Time to die!", a tidbit I took from the commentary on the movie. And in the original Aladdin film, Aladdin does say a bit of dialogue without a moving mouth (I can't remember which part for the life of me *nudges AG hard*, and Abu does it as well, when trying to wake up Aladdin in the COW). There's many other examples of stuff like this.

[The series] was animated at studios in other countries and whatnot, which could have affected the inconsistancy (I'm not defending it, certainly). I will agree with you that our series isn't nearly as pretty as say, Lilo and Stitch: The Series, but I think our series is better off in the character and story department (Well, Lilo crushes it in the humor department, but that's another matter), which is where it counts (for me, anyway). Horrid animation has never kept me away from an episode (Story pulls me in... prettiness just makes it better).
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:08 am    Post subject:

lol, everyone looked awful in DOF. It's one of the reasons I dont like it as much as I could- I like the plot, but the animation is just so gross. It's the same as Armored and Dangerous, really, but Armored's animation is so much worse.

They constantly mess up the animation in the series... and then they also did it in the sequels!!!

It bugs me alot when they have the characters wearing one outfit, but in a few select frames, they'll be wearing a completely different outift!!! That is something that bugs the crap out of me. They need to realize stupid mistakes like that.

Then there are parts where a character will be talking, but their lips won't be moving. I love Aladdin, but they had some of the worst animators for the sequels and the series. I'm serious, they could have done alot better. Tarzan was even better.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:53 pm    Post subject:

I honostly didn't like the episode because Jasmine looked very unflattering in that picture... and I like episodes with Jasmine having some kind of serious interaction in them.

lol, everyone looked awful in DOF. It's one of the reasons I dont like it as much as I could- I like the plot, but the animation is just so gross. It's the same as Armored and Dangerous, really, but Armored's animation is so much worse.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:42 pm    Post subject:

they should have made at least an off-handed comment as to what happened to Minos and Fatima

Yeah, that's an idea... or they could of shown up at like the very end... or something. I honostly didn't like the episode because Jasmine looked very unflattering in that picture... and I like episodes with Jasmine having some kind of serious interaction in them.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:39 pm    Post subject:

Yeah, instead of Aladdin and Razoul finally beating Aziz, they needed Fatima and Minos to come back and help. That would have been alot more interesting.

I like DOF the way it is, but they should have made at least an off-handed comment as to what happened to Minos and Fatima, IMO. Did they find Aziz and fail? Did they give up? Did Aziz attack before Minos and Fatima could find them? Give us something! Anything! Pick a feature! ... Oh, wait...


I personally don't like the episodes with Malcho in them, I found them kind of boring.

I"m not the biggest fan of Malcho himself. I don't like "Rain of Terror" at all, and "The Return of Malcho" I like only for the interraction of Aladdin/Iago/Rasoul/Hakim/Fazaal/Nahbi.. AKA, everyone but Malcho. Laughing
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:26 pm    Post subject:

But geez, they really needed to clear up what happened to Minos and Fatima. They vowed to find Aziz

Yeah, instead of Aladdin and Razoul finally beating Aziz, they needed Fatima and Minos to come back and help. That would have been alot more interesting.

I personally don't like the episodes with Malcho in them, I found them kind of boring.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:17 pm    Post subject:

P.S> the voice of Minos is also the the same voice as Goliath on gargoyles. It's funny how things come together like that.

I think that's why he kept calling Fatima "my love", ala Goliath to Demona.

But geez, they really needed to clear up what happened to Minos and Fatima. They vowed to find Aziz at the end of SLOC 2 and.... nothing. Minos, Fatima, and Malcho were all left with hanging arcs... *Walks away, grumbling*
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:14 pm    Post subject:

who is less villainous than Fatima or Aziz, if you ask me).

Fatima, Minos, and Aziz were very, very cool. I loved the episodes that they starred in. They took quite a bit of time, you could tell in that animation. I thought it was better than the other episodes.

I do wish they would have had a follow up episode for Fatima and Minos.

P.S> the voice of Minos is also the the same voice as Goliath on gargoyles. It's funny how things come together like that.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:11 pm    Post subject:

Lol, he's not under appreciated, but I just like the original. I am a firm believer in "Nothing beats the original", because without the original: What would there be to add on to?

lol, no, I think he's underappreciated overall. Very Happy I mean, if I don't stand up for the guy, who will? I like Jafar less than him, but he's still my second favorite "starring" villain over-all, if I don't count Amin (who wasn't much of a threat at all, now was he?) or Minos (who is less villainous than Fatima or Aziz, if you ask me).
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:03 pm    Post subject:


Lol, he's not under appreciated, but I just like the original. I am a firm believer in "Nothing beats the original", because without the original: What would there be to add on to?
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:01 pm    Post subject:


Saluk is a cool character, but not nearly as cool as the original... Jafar.

:cough:underappreciated:cough: Very Happy
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:47 pm    Post subject:

Then maybe I'll understand when you guys talk about characters like Saluk and Cassim.

Yeah, you definetly need to know who Cassim is. If you ever wanted to know what Aladdin will look like in the future, just look at Cassim. They're almost identical.
Saluk is a cool character, but not nearly as cool as the original... Jafar.

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