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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:40 am    Post subject: Re: True

hook7909 wrote:
Well let me just say that its unique.

Dude, I haven't exactly been around this board for very long, but most people would consider it rude to drag up old topics...
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:23 am    Post subject:

Yeah, I remember a few changes like that, too. The most notable being that Belle didn't sing "me," but yeah, they sort of changed a few things for the soundtrack.

And unless I'm wrong, a whole verse of "Maison Des Lunes" is missing.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:14 am    Post subject:

Husse there's a load of information on the Hunchback muscial (from Germany) here if you're interested;
Makes interesting reading. I'd loved to have seen it!

Thanks xfkirsten. I may have to get that CD now! And her new one, Coffee Shop, with the unused Hercules song on it! (Now this is why I shouldn't browse the net, I spend too much money!)

I know what you mean about the DVDs, it could hurt the profitability of the shows in the long run. Still I can dream about them being released one day!

Disney Princess, I can't remeber it perfectly (I've been listening to the soundtrack nearly none stop since I got back from the show so I'm hearing the original versions too much) but I get the impression that in he original version Gaston and LeFou were going to see the asylum guy when the started singing the song, in this version they were already talking to him and started singing when he said he didn't see how he could be of any help.

It started something like "There's a chance I might be thwarted, and denied my honeymoon. That the pretty thing I've courted, refuses to swoon." Pretty much the whole first half of the song was altered, but I really couldn't keep track of it all!

I think Home was ok, but like you said that line was "And to think I complained of that dull provincial town". Not sure if it was shorter, but I hadn't listened to the soundtrack for a while before going (I thought it would spoil it if I listened to the whole thing the night before) so I probably wouldn't have noticed. Same for the reprise of Home at the end, though they did drop the "me" so it was just "stay with.. no don't leave me" which I thought worked really well.

Just a question though, in Gaston Reprise did your LeFou sing "plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston" or "plans to hurt harmless crackpots like Gaston"? The latter version was used at the showing we went to but I felt it didn't fit the music anywhere near as good and might have been an error (like when Gaston forgot to sing the word antlers and ended up going "I use ... in all of my decorating").
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:23 pm    Post subject:

Anonymous wrote:
IThat song really caught me off guard as I'd listened to the soundtrack before going and really wasn't expecting it (nor the quite radical lyric change for "Maison des Lunes").

What lyric change was that? *wonders if it's one I know about already or not*

A lot of big changes were made VERY early in the run of the show...I know it had toured in Houston before opening on Broadway, but it opened on Broadway in April 1994, and I saw it in June 1994, and there were ALREADY some major soundtrack changes. "Home" was a whole verse shorter and had a different lyric ("And to think I complained of that dull provincial town" was sung...that lyric was in the OST liner notes, but on the recording, the line was "But I know that I can't solve my problems going back"), and the lyrics to the "Home" reprise right before the transformation were different. (I STILL like the OST version lyrics better than the ones in the show at that moment, but eh, both sets are still good.)

I love the show, but really, I'm not a big fan of "A Change in Me"...though that CD Kirsten mentioned sounds appealing...because I like Susan Egan. I just don't like the song in the context of the show, for a few reasons.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:04 pm    Post subject:

I think I read somewhere at how they were going to do the Little Mermaid show, but now I can't remember Laughing
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:00 pm    Post subject:

Husse wrote:
I am, *obviously* OBSESSED with Beauty and the Beast, and LOVE the musical, have absolutely memorized the soundtrack...except "Change in Me," because for some WEIRD reason, it's not ON the soundtrack...does anyone know why? Crying or Very sad

I know! That song actually wasn't originally a part of the show. It was added in awhile back - I wanna say when Toni Braxton joined that cast, but I'm not 100% sure on that. So it didn't even exist when the Cast Recording was made. See my last post for a link to Susan Egan's CD!

Husse wrote:
And HOW the heck are they going to do Mermaid? Laughing

You'd be surprised what they can pull off! If they really want her to "swim," there's always the option of wire work/aerialist work (which is what they're doing for Tarzan). Otherwise, they can find more creative ways to pull that off. The Lion King pulled off the stampede BEAUTIFULLY on stage - I have no doubt that they've got a bag of tricks ready for The Little Mermaid, as well!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:56 pm    Post subject:

Anonymous wrote:
xfkirsten, where did you find Susan Egan singing "A Change in Me"? That song really caught me off guard as I'd listened to the soundtrack before going and really wasn't expecting it (nor the quite radical lyric change for "Maison des Lunes"). Oh and I totally agree, floor-level seats are the best! My girlfriend and I had them for B+B and agreed it was worth every penny!

It's on one of her solo CDs, So Far. Smile

And I'm not sure if BatB is the same way, but there's a definite reason why Lion King floor seats are better than a balcony. I don't want to say too much, though, and give it away. Smile

I would really love for Disney to bring the musicals out on DVD at some point. Sure it's not the same, but I really can't afford to see the show in person anywhere near as many times as I'd like Very Happy ....of course that doesn't mean I can't go bankrupt trying Wink

Agreed! I would kill for these shows on DVD. However, I understand the business reason for not doing so - there's plenty of folks who would settle for the DVD and not actually go see the show, even if given the chace. Plus, the cost of producing a DVD might be prohibitively high if you take into consideration the royalties that would have to be paid to the performers. I know a few big shows have done DVD releases, but none of the Disney ones have. Sad
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:44 am    Post subject:

YAY! *huggles*

I am, *obviously* OBSESSED with Beauty and the Beast, and LOVE the musical, have absolutely memorized the soundtrack...except "Change in Me," because for some WEIRD reason, it's not ON the soundtrack...does anyone know why? Crying or Very sad

Anyway, I lurve that musical. Saw the Broadway version once, and saw a school's version twice...they did really well.

LeSigh...Hunchback would be nice, It really should've been a musical to start with, it was a tad too suggestive for an advertised kids film. But that would probably be my biggest one on the list of 'em to see. Lion King's way down there, I didn't care for the movie too much, and Tarzan...well, it was good, but I just don't know what they'd do for a musical, as aforementioned.

And HOW the heck are they going to do Mermaid? Laughing
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:56 am    Post subject:

Oops! Embarassed

Forgot to log in for that post! Shocked
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:52 am    Post subject:

I really want to see Lion King now! Not sure if I'll like it as much (purely because as a film I prefer Beauty and the Beast), but I'm still expecting it to take my breath away.

xfkirsten, where did you find Susan Egan singing "A Change in Me"? That song really caught me off guard as I'd listened to the soundtrack before going and really wasn't expecting it (nor the quite radical lyric change for "Maison des Lunes"). Oh and I totally agree, floor-level seats are the best! My girlfriend and I had them for B+B and agreed it was worth every penny!

I would really love for Disney to bring the musicals out on DVD at some point. Sure it's not the same, but I really can't afford to see the show in person anywhere near as many times as I'd like Very Happy ....of course that doesn't mean I can't go bankrupt trying Wink
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:41 pm    Post subject:

Yeah, I'd say it was bigger than the BatB one, although not by a whole lot. IMHO, it was more elaborate, and had better effects. And I think it was a lot better put-together.

I have 11 tapes full of video from WDW alone! :p
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:46 pm    Post subject:

xfkirsten wrote:
Actually, Beauty and the Beast at MGM is in a completely different theater than Hunchback was in. Hunchback was in a theater over by the entrance to the backlot tram ride, and that theater was demolished to make way for the new Lights, Motors, Action! stunt show.

Is it bigger than the BATB one at MGM? Me and my sister stood there for 30 minutes to get almost front row seats. I was NOT going to be manuevering my head around to see Lumiere during "Be Our Guest". I had perfect vision Laughing

We're gonna have to watch all the tapes you have next year Laughing
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:39 pm    Post subject:

Oh, man, I'm dying to see Beauty and the Beast! I have the soundtrack (plus a copy of Susan Egan singing "A Change in Me") and I absolutely love it.

I saw The Lion King last January, and I'm counting down til I get to see it again this January. Absolutely, incredibly amazing. I sprung for the expensive, floor-level seats, because it's absolutely worth it. I was literally brought to tears during "Circle of Life." I have never seen an audience react in as much awe as they did during that number!

AladdinsGenie wrote:
Oh, I know. And I wish I went to WDW to see the one they had at MGM before Beauty and the Beast took over. But just mentioning the Hunchback of Notre Dame gets some people antsy Rolling Eyes

Actually, Beauty and the Beast at MGM is in a completely different theater than Hunchback was in. Hunchback was in a theater over by the entrance to the backlot tram ride, and that theater was demolished to make way for the new Lights, Motors, Action! stunt show. I was on my college program when Hunchback closed. I actually have video from a performance in the last couple weeks of its run. It was a really good show!
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:32 pm    Post subject:

Not sure how they'll manage Tarzan, but it seems we could find out next year.

Mermaid has (I think) been in development longer, but they can't quite work out the best way to do it when Ariel can't walk in the first Act or sing in the second Act. But I'm glad they're taking time to work out how to do it right rather than rush it.

The Disneyland show I think proves Aladdin is possible, but I think it'll be a long time before we see anything, if we ever do.

But Beauty and the Beast was incredible! I really want to see it again! May have to find where it's at next and go travelling (or pray it's back in London next year and go then).

I have hopes for Hunchback based on this:
Meanwhile, Schumacher is in negotiations for a new production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Disney also is developing a musical-theater adaptation of The Little Mermaid with Beauty composer Alan Menken.

"The question is," says Schumacher, "what's the language you use to tell the story of a girl who can't walk in the first act and can't talk in the second, because she's given away her voice? It has some interesting theatrical challenges."

Before solving them, though, Disney will tackle Tarzan. Based on the 1999 animated film, the show, which likely will premiere in 2005, features a libretto by M. Butterfly playwright David Henry Hwang and music by Phil Collins.


It's an old article (2004) and Tarzan seems to have slipped from 2005 to 2006 since then, but it does seem that Hunchback might not be quite as dead as it seems.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:53 pm    Post subject:

I saw BatB on broadway. It. Was. Awesome!

Tarzan on broadway? How would they manage that?

I don't think they can do a proper one for Aladdin (too complicated, better left alone)

But the Little Mermaid? I dunno, hmm...I can imagine it on ice but not as a stage musical.

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